Tuesday, December 14, 2004


hi it's been days since i've created a blog. well for the past few days, i've been mingling and having fun with the other colleagues. just small things we used to put in a joke and also funny things people make mistakes or shall i say people's mistakes are being held up to make fun. whatever! ok remember the log that i've created? can't remember when was that, but it's about my two other colleagues that are transferring to another firm. o well the 14 days that i'm tuckling with my previous blogs are finally ended now! ok i'll be damn alone.

i've these dreams that i hope i could finally find someone that would be there for me no matter what. just like the both of them. they've meet here. until they wanted to transfer to another firm they're still together. i said wow, that's a strong friendship! going back to the topic, well 14 days is done. well good luck! well earlier one of them told me that it's their last day. ok and so he borrowed my earphones to listen to my mp3s but he said to me to let me share my mp3s. i told him that i don't want to. but that's in a joke approach. then he suddenly got pissed or something, i don't know. then he returned the earphones to me with an angry manner. and so i was shocked. i told myself that is this person mad at me or angry with me. i added that, what did i do? o well so i just ignored. i even told myself why would he get mad at me after i've said to him that i don't wanna share it. is he sick or something?, i asked myself. so i begun to get sad. i told myself that it's his last day then suddenly he's mad at me. what?!!!! well as time goes by i just thought of certain things like my life, their last day here, and about spells that i've read or that i've been reading since yesterday.

well yes i'm much a prideful shithead. since i've noticed he's mad at me, well i did not mind at all and i did not even bother to tell him that i was just joking and that i'm sorry. because i've asked myself why would i say sorry to him. i did not do anything to hurt him or to humiliate him. Duh as in T-H-E, the! well i just realized, well, be by gones be by gones. they're leaving, so go ahead and leave. just remember that you are my best buddies here ever in the company. i hope you won't forget me and that you'll feel the same way, hopefully.

i would really want to wish them luck, all the best, god speed, good speed, luck in all the journeys that their gonna take.include all the blessings and everything that is good. well while i'm writing this blog i kept my senses from him because as in right now his on my back, i guess attempting to talk to me or he's just testing me if i would talk to him or whatsoever. now as in now his on the edge of our teams workstation talking to some of our colleagues and back on his workstation. i'm sorry if i'm really specifically putting it in details because i was just wondering if his gonna talk to me while i'm making this blog so i can tell you know that it's ok or whatsoever.

well right now i'm listening to my mp3 collections. which are inspirational and soothing and also, add this up, it tells something about me a bit, and it tells something what i wanted to say or shall i say all the thoughts that i had. this song is from vertical horizon, the title is echo. the best part that i like here is this....

No i don't want to be just another echo!

ok well our shift has ended. wondering what will hapen. well wish me luck take care there! gotta go.


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