Wednesday, January 12, 2005


well things are getting better now. as what i've said fpr the past few days that i'll learn how to forget things. well thank god for the guidance, blessings he helped me to fforget all bad feeling that i've had. so i already brought back the rapor to one of my colleague here that offended me. i've even told myself that it's no use. i also thought that i think that's not he ment to say to me during that day. so he's forgiven, to cut it short. but one more thing that i've changed is i was able to talk to them agian and they've already missed me i guess. because before i was this talkative and utter new words that they just heard the they would laugh about because, i think it's funny? ok well i don't wanna be another jerky loner. so i've just set it all aside.
well when i was able to talk to this person since yesterday. i didn't know that he's also has a big freaking question regarding one of the colleague here that suck! well he has a lot of point that i understand and that would meet our big darn question to that shit. well being a professional and mature person, he just don't show their bad feelings for that person, which in my case i thought that in that situation the person is just "plastic". if i hated a person becasue of one attitude he had shown, i won't talk to that person and i won't smile or even assk something , unless he's the last resort. but that doesn't mean it's ok.

well for the past few days i kept mymy birthdays from my friendster and from our itka. but today, i have no excuse. well because they've asked each and everyone to list their birthdays and name. at first i did not sign but this magot approached me and told me to siign my birthday there. firstly, i don't want to put it there because some of the maggots here are just craving for treats, "blow-pout. duh, as if i can treat them." good luck to them. well i'm going to think of wonderful stuff that i can do just to avoid that situation. i don't want blow out unless those people just presented or volunteered that they'lkl treat us or me. well who cares. whatever they would say. i'm used to it.

well the sup was briefing us all one by one regarding the aht during our outbound. so it's like subconciously he's saying do your job. work and don't play games. duh i only play games because the tool is down. there's nothing i can do about it. all the tags pulled are left a message, no answer, and issue already resolved. the reason why my handle time reached 44 seconds only. for me it's not a question anymore. why it's too low or why it's only 44 seconds for the whole day work. i even told myself why don't he try and pull multiple tags and see if he can reach the quota of 20 or more. What i'm saying is they're freaking me out. they're gonna get theirs. one day, karma.


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