Tuesday, January 04, 2005


what the fuck are you planning both? are you trying to help him to become a coach? you're just considering him? the fuck? what did he gave you to eat? are you both screwed, hopefully yes. so you're gonna make him a coach and yet some of us here deserves to be one but you never do something. ok so favoritism? in this firm favoritism has been a sweetheart for this shit heads. thang -eena. so you're considering him because he's already a father of 4. yeah right? don't measure that on the civil status prick head. you have to have demoted. yeah. once before i really like them but now thy're humiliating with their integrity, or do they have one, if you ask. yeah earlier a lot of them are talking about leaving the firm. they've also asked me if i'm planning to transfer like them. well i have no plan of moving, but one thing i know these corrupt prick head deserves to have a karma. they're so inconsiderate and stupid. once they're mad because of the favoritism mechanism happening in the firm and yet they're both one of it. duh! screw them both and hopefully everything should strike back for them. it's a cosmic credit card, Karma. they won't realize that unless they've experienced it the hard way. yeah, so damn waiting for that. well god speed on them both hopefully it won't strike on them thrice. they'll soon realize things they're doing aren't right. you'll see.

well this is all i can say as i've noticed and heard them talking about some promotion. well that's what my reaction is all about. well in the past few days, we've celebrated christmas and new year. well not that fun because of a visitor that came to our house have something to say about myself with what she cares. well i told my mom that i'm gonna buy something. so i've asked permission. after i bought something, i went straight ahead to a friend's house nearby. spen an hour or two. just to talk about life nad stuff. i've never seen her in months so decided to come over to her house to greet her and his mom a hapi new year. well after that i've went home with my sister and the visitor watching out for me. they were mad and stuff because i did not even asked permission. and this visitor is murmurring about me that i've been too mean because i've already had a job. well why can't she say that with her favorite grandchildren which are worthless and selfish. what matters is that why did not mom even just lie that he went out and bought something so that that stupid visitor won't say anything against me. well can't blame them because they're inconsiderate in things like this. ok so waited a bit til that visitor went home. thank god she's gone. don't wanna have her presence at home because he's a chizmosa kind of person. she tells everything to other people differently, she even make up stories on her own. i hope she's dead, really! she's been a nightmare.

well this day. i'm in the office, back to work, same old thing as yesterday. no changes in this new year. well at home i've found new friends. well the people whom i hated? if you ask. well i finally made friends with them because i told myself that nothings gonna change in my life i f i would have too much pride and insecurities in life. time to change these shits. time to crash and burn all these silly things in hell. well that's a life i thought. well finally i had recovered a bit from the hatred that i felt for these past few weeks. i don't know i guess i was sick and tired of it. i wanted to change myself and wash away the bad thoughts and bad feelings. some changed some don't. the first paragraph i wrote never changed as of now. well it's because they both suck. they suck and they really freaking suck. what else can i say, but they suck, they are so called sucker! who knows but someday i'll be transferring and hopefully when i transfer it'll be great and fun.

well while at work i've read my friend's blog. it's quite updated every week. i've read something there regarding a website. it's called DILIMAN. so i've wondered what it was. i first thought that it was a comic series as what have been mentioned by the writer. so spend a couple of hours to read the whole 13 series. well i found it good, nice, low cost and unique. if you ask why? the story is all about friends having the capability of casting spells seing dead things, and the most highlight is to see monsters that haunts them. well in that story evolved on a certain same sex relationship which ended in a tragedy because of these filipino monsters, you know what i'm talking about. ok it ended up winning on a TIKBALANG or half man half horse monster. it's very interesting because the story felt like it happened. like it was told based on a true to life story. i've painstakingly finished reading it. it made me felt wow! that's a nice one i've ever read in an internet. it has a lot of series so you've gotta read it now or else you have to read it from 1 to 12 series and now it's 13.

well i guess my friend is heaven sent,really because i've learned a lot of sites that make you go, what an experience thing. i really think that i felt something that i can't explain, with her. because i became interested in all she writes. i'm really am beginning to like her, even more deeply, love her. well i don't know if she likes me o what because i don't seem to be too close to her, like spending time with her and stuff. i wish we're pretty much close at each other so that she could sense it. hoping that somehow she feels something for me. that would be even better if that happeneds. i'm so happy that somehow she knows i exists.
well i've created a poem. i've posted it on my other blog which she knows that it's what i have. she does not know this blog, journal that i had. well what would you feel if you read a journal about me in love with you and stuff. that would be a certain shocking files to know. it's better this is unkown, not knowned and confidential. so everyone will be clueless except me, myself and i.

well time to end this up. hopefully tomorrow will be a brand new day. i said brand new day not same old freakin' day. hopefully a new discovery, exploration, sight, experience and feeling. pray, pray, pray and fuckin' pray for that. thanks


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