Friday, May 19, 2006

knowledge overload

o well, yesterday i have spent more time for the training. i did not inform my trainer that my shift ends at 2pm. it's embarrassing to tell him and yet it's a good thing for me at least i will be getting much knowledge feed on that new career path and growth. it was so nice for karla also to be open in all my questions and stuff. it's really a great experience. i hope later i would be able to manage to get there to start my training. if only i could take my lunch at 9am so that i'll start my training at 10:30am later. if that's possible. i would really want to be a full time workforce employtee so i wo't be a pathetic phone junkie.

well when i have arrived home, mom informed me that my sister will be interviewed on monday by her expat employer in denmark. ain't that exciting. the sad part there is we barely need money for the processing fee. well half of the money has been given but half of it needs to know where we can borrow. my mom always have ready plans with that. when it comes to money she manages to find way. that's what good with my mom. she is really determnined in things. hshe always have backup plans in certain plans that you will have.

Then yesterday, my mom decided to go online but we've ran out of internet access. so i have managed to buy one using my nephew's bike. just realized that i fit muchly in his bike. so if ever i would need to go so far at least i can use his bike. now i have realized that i have missed that part in me when i was young i used to ride my bike to buy stuffs we need.

anyway, so far so good. i hope later on i will be monitoring calls and all. wala lang para naman masanay na ako and hopefully they would pull me out to monitor calls whole day and designate me to any shift possible for me to fit in.

well currently i just ended a call with a technician, that he thinks he knows a lot about computers, but i'm wondering why the hell he is calling us regarding some fix for windows explorer. he would say that he just forgot how to do it and all, and also he works with gateway computers and stuff. duh! i already told him that this is hardware technical support. we don't do much in depth with softwares. we cn only provide installing and uninstalling those programs but not doing much with the operating system itself. he's such a loser. i've already explainedf to him that he will be charged $35 but he's such a demanding shit head. anyway, moving on with my life, it's already 7:23 am and i still have an hour or two to take my lunch and get the hell outta here in this operations area and proceed to the support team area. i really don't like the operations area especially if you're an agent. it really suck big time. as well as some tls here.

anyway sad to say but it's true. i was even wondering how the hell will i ever make things right all the way through? i was hoping that someday i could be a better person and that i would basically know my priorities and stuff. well, one thing, my sister informed me when i woke up last night at 8:30pm that someone is calling me from my cellphone. it was ron, i wonder what would he want from me. then a while ago while i was preparing myself to work. someting came into my mind about what i did before when i was trying to break free from the pain that i feel inside about him. i used to do things to get back to him what i am feeling before. i have tried what ferdie had told me to do. so i gave up doing that because i feel like it's not working. then now, it's like ron keeps messaging me and keeps calling me. i don't know if it took effect on him but i do believe it's not, because that was a few months back. well it will be good if it took effect. in that case now he's suffering from what i have suffered. mwahahahahahaha! sad and bad but true. as what i keep on saying on this blog, i'm a type of person that could give in to any relationship so deeply, that i really treasure and value it. but i can break away with it easily as well. unless you give me a reason not to...... everything that has been going on with my life as of the moment is so bizaare, odd and weird. I'm not thinking about it but it just happening. i guess i have overly prayed too much about things and because of my frustration i dropped it then the least you expect it, it's happening. i thought i'll never grow, but i can barely feel it now that i am. o well, let's just wait for the next phase.

yesterday when i went home, almond told me to wait for him. then while we we're on our way home, he mentioned something about his team mate and our wavemate that he will resign because he felt like he is demoted. but he is not promoted so there's no way for you to say that you are demoted. well he said that because lower batches are already promoted and yet he is not. The reason also why almond asked me if he will grow in this company and that he'll end up as an agent all through his life. well for me, that's not the case. if you want something you gotta earn for it. you eed a major plan and goal and you should show that you're aiming for it and not just sitting down and wait til it comes down on you. that will never work.

I just can't wait til 9:45, so i can take my lunch and proceed to the workforce area for me to have my training again. i really wanted to become a workforce agent so it won't frustrate me with taking in calls. it really sucks big time an di'm fed up with this kind of work line. i'm not really good with pacifying stupid cx and call handling. if only i could own a business. like computer shoip, rentals and repair, i believe that wil be fine for me. at least i am earning my own money. if ever all of us become stable i hope my sisters would give me an investment to start a business. i will start a business full time and i'll be the only one who will manage it. maybe i would hire 1 person to elp me with some transactions but i prefer to be sole so that i won't have to worry about things much.

well, i am taking my lunch break and i have 10 minutes and counting more to post this.

well, i just have to finish this. basically, it's knowlede overload i am getting since yestreday from workforce. i am trained how to access tools and all. see you tomorrow, ciao!


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