Friday, May 12, 2006


good morning. well, it's my nephew's birthday today and so far i haven't greeted him earlier when he woke up. i just hated myself because everytime i see him i have this hatred inside about him. i know it's wrong and totally bad. i am trying to break free from that crap. i hope i would somehow change the way i approach him. i feel bitter about him, and also i am intimidated when i see him. i just can't forgive myself for that. i don't know why i feel these craps when i see him. i'm such a pathetic born loser. i hope i would find something that would trigger myself to release all these grudges and hatreds. i hope i would barely understand the way he acts. i know children are children. they are playful and all. i hope someday i would change this devastating attitude of mine.

well today, i have managed to talk with marco. we've talked about the game that i have given him. also we've talked about fish and what i feel and i told him that i have break free from their shadows. the only problem now is, this shit head still present in my sight and it's really annoying. well, marco had told me that he barely understands me and i really have a point and can see that. i appreciate it. i even told him that it's up to him if ever he would tell that jerk about what we have talked about coz i know he's his friend. i even explained to him that i am not selfish. because in his way, he don't seem to mind at all if ever they always step on him. he consider those people to be happy even though he feel so bad about that. i have explained to him, i am not that kind of person. if that's the situation what i will do is i won't accept that they are the one's who are only happy. if i feel bad then theyshould feel bad too. just like what he did during training. he made fun of me and underestimates me. so, i have shown them that i'm not the kind of person who you would underestimate. i am your worse enymy or shall i say nightmare if you did something against me.

well to day is payday and i'm pretty sad because i don't know how much will i have and if ever we would receive our pay today or tomorrow. they're such a freaking incompetent bastards. HRD here sucks it feels like they're not doing their freaking job and yet they would impose to employees here to do their job and all. after all they are the ones not doing their job. o well, life is ever so strange and so full of change. whatever!

Thankfully fish is not around and it is his rest day. i hope it's his RIP, mwahahahaha, just kidding. well it's not yet his time after all. he needs to live his life longer to feel all the karmas in life. bad grasstakes longer to die. you know what i mean? moving on, a lot of people here are asking about my promotion and when will i ever start. of course i don't have a definite answer but just to say, i am still waiting for them to speak with me about that.... i am so impatient for now, i just can't wait any longer. but what else can i do? all i can do is just to wait whether i like it or else.....

well to change topic, what i have noticed here, in this area where i'm at, well as of now, we have a lot of girls here as an agent and everywghere i look my wave mates are having this smiles reaching their ears, talking with them, i'm thinking that they're thinking of getting scored with them somehow. well and i'm here alone and no one is really approaching me to ask how i was and all. anyway, that's ok and i don't mind at all, as long as i have my life, that's enough. well they said that it is normal for a guy to be kind and all when it comes to beautiful women and all and they would grab the opportunity to somehow score and get something from those ladies. o well i guess they're not normal but it's typical instead for men. what is normal? i don't think so that all people here in this world are normal. including myself. i don't consider myself as normal. for me normal is something or somewhat perfect.. This is in regards to personality, spirituality, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. I guess and i believe that no one has ever perfected these aspects and in fact we do have different spiritualities so we do have different values. Values varies from one person to another. My point is, you won't say that something is normal, instead something is typical. i would only say normal when it comes to physical being, health and nature. but in depth to people's emotion and stuff, nothing is normal.

anyway, it's almost 8am and i feel like i'm dying. that's good. GOOOD NEWS, MAN, My training as an RTA will start next week. Ain't that cute? i'm so happy and cool and dandy, yahoong yahoo talaga! my heart right now is so jumpy and i feel so excited at least now i can go to work not to take in calls but to monitor calls. mwahahahahahahaha!

This is a perfect day for me. I don't know what happened all along but i would based it on my experiecnes of my day to day work recently. well, this will be the start of a whole new beginning. Now i can start over with my life. no more, hatred and stuff. of course i wanted to thank god for helping me reach this goalafter all the struggles in lufe.

o well, i guess things are just getting better for me now. i guess may 2006 is my time to shine. hopefully this woill continue all along.

by the way i have filed a leave tomorrow and i was permitted by my tl. so i won't be here tomorrow. i'll just continue with theze buzz on sunday. ciao!


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