Friday, May 05, 2006

new beginning.... you know what to do........

hi good morning. so far there's nothing much to discuss but just kept thinking about my application. well i just can't wait for olive to talk to me to tell me about my training and when will i ever start. well i just can't wait to get out of this freaking phone. i am tired and annoyed of it. anyway, once i get to the project based RTA then things will gradually change for me. at least i don't have to go with the team's GA and crap. I am pretty much excited about that promotion. hopefully olive would give me a chance to become an RTA so that just in case i would have to transfer to any other companies, then i should apply for an RTA and not a call center freaking agent. yeba!

i just need experience and that's all. i have been an agent for 3 years and it really sucks big time. everything you do is monitored and that al the blame is in you. the game is to blame. i don't want to be blamed but i want to blame them. mwahahahahaha, just kidding. anyway hopefully olive will be here as much as possible so that she could talk to me now and make a change with my life. great!

o well it just keeps getting better and better. well almost all of us in the team will be deployed to new accounts and of course because of the promotion and movement and lateral movement to another position. that's a cool happenings. hopefully things will be bigger brighter and better. i believe things will be just fine and dandy. i just love it.

how i wish it will be a nice and new beginnings for all of us.

ok what would be my next destination and agenda when i finally get to that area and all.

by the way when i left the gas chamber i met charlton my officemate before in CL. well he left there for some reason that the company really is a pain in the ass. politics is everywhere. well i don't know if i should be happy for that or get terrified about it. well he knows that i was term in that company because of bernard navarro's incomptencies. moving on, what could possily happen today? well i've been thinking about my application and kept wondering when will olive talk to me to start my training because i'm pretty excited and can't wait any longer.

basically i'm just wondering around and looking for someone to talk with. then finally i got my attention with or to atoy. well he's the kind of guy who dresse up and act like a rockstar. long hair, has a beard na dreally loves rock. i have noticed his shoes that he is wearing, and i find it cool. i told myself, that's cool, then looked at him and told myself, he's not. basically, i don't like he's attiude because he's somewhat rude and impolite and aggressive. the way he talks whenever he hears some information about stuff he knows, he would react like what you're saying si wrong or incorrect or out of this world which you yourself know that it is true. i also don't like the way he approach me and everytime i approach him. it's like, subconciously he would say, get lost in your face kind of attitude. so whenever i hear something good about his performance and all, i just hate it and i just turn and walk away. well i do believe that he is not aware of having that attitude towards other and he does not mean to hurt anyone. but the case is, he should always be aware of that.

anyway, i just realized that i really don't have to really escape from this messed up, played out sceme, place. well first of all, fish has it's own team already and so he's not part pf the team any longer, then tl is now promoted so she won't be our tl any longer, then some of fish's minions will be deployed to other accounts. it's really a good thing that i really don't have to runaway or breakfree or break away from this place because they're already dissolving on their own. very interesting.

well the team has been sending spams about things and situations just to make fun of it all. well i managed to jive into it. well it's somewhat pathetic but at least i am building rapport to these jerks.

ok moving on, things are getting a bit brighter now and that i just can't wait to have the changes right away so somehow i'll be ok and dandy. i just don't know what could be happening, but one thing for sure i hope, that i would finally get the information regarding my or regarding the start of my training as an RTA so i will be satisfied.
o well til tomorrow...... Ciao!


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