Saturday, April 22, 2006


well good day, first of all. i am designated againbecause this prick in front of me took my place and he is actually designated somewhere and i just don't understand why the hell he stole my place. what a freaking born loser. i kept seeing this person who has this great body and i'm kinda liking it to see that person. yummy..... anyway, going back to real world, it's so annoying that i am in another station and one thing for sure it did not updated my settings so i'm kinda lost here again with my logs. then i was able to see this fish head and it's freaking me out.

by the way rex messaged me and informing me to come over to his place and what comes in my mind is he's really a user. mwahahahaha! what a pathetic shit head me. if only i could do something to change my mind and just break free from all of this m,essed up fucked up place. is there anything good that could happene to me? it's been 23 years and so far nothing really happened good that satisfies me to live. who am i to blame, but of course myself. because of my ignorance, stupidity, patheticness and arrogance. i really deserve to die somehow, right now. so everything's dandy. i hope that i would get outta here as soon as possible so i can live my life in just a knock of time.

the way this person talk is too ...something that i couldn';t justdescribe but i like the body. if only i have the chance to caress it. mmmmm,.

anyway, fish and the bitch is here. so things will be too risky. i need to be aware of all of my actions and reactions or else things will go out of hand and could cause something that i could not hardly imagine. anyway, hopefully things will be brighter better and bigger. i see here that kelly is talking to tl and i don't care, pretty much. i can barely hear fish at the back of me and please get out of my life. i don't freaking need you and please get away from me.

well, when i went to work, i have managed to wait for my sister so we would be together to leave the house. i was unloaded at philcoa, and it really sucks big time because it's difficult than i thought to wait for a jeep there. darn it. then my next stop is Aurora and waited so long for another jeep and when finally this jeep arrived, i was not able to sit and just went ahead and hang on the edge of the jeep just to get to work. then 2 more guys went ahead and immitate me and so i was kind of hanging not with my body outside iof the vehicle but my position is like a dance troupe kind of thing which made me tired.

anyway, i am back to my original station and i'm loving it. anyway, we were not given a chance to somehow take a whole day VTO because tl is not telling us or informing us about it. what an iresonsible shit head. anyway, i guess she's just busy doing stuff and all and i just have to wait for those available VTOs next time. darn it.anyway, i had confirmed that i will have my VTO at 11 and so i will not take my lunch at 10:30 but i would take it after i have logged out so i will be paid with my 30 minutes.

o i just can't wait til 11 am so i can get the hell outta here. mwahahahahha! i don't know if ever i should take my lunch at 10:30 or just wait until 11 am... it's really confusing me. o well i guess i just have to take my lunch at 10:30 and then leave this fucked up pplace at 11 am. goodah!

ciao! see you tomorrow.


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