Monday, April 10, 2006


It's been days since i have created a new journal. the last journal that i have created was april 5. unfortunately i was not able to post it because, these stupid IT people blocked it for some reason. The good thing is, i have discovered a new or i mean a proxy. so now, i'm going to post new journals and stuff. hopefully it won't be cascaded through IT, about the proxy that was given to me.

well basically, a lot of things had happened to me for the past few days. i'm going to start with the day yesterday. Well, unfortuantely for the first time ever, i was late, i have arrived 6:35 am and it sucks big time. i was able to contact tl but she's not answering the phone for some reason. so she gave me a letter for explanation. as i have read it, it's not a written warning or something. i thought this will be the start of my down fall. so i took calls for about 3 hours approximately. then she reminded me that it's already 9 am and i will do the fw. it was so exciting because at least i don't have to take calls until the shift ends. too bad i have to be a floorwalker every sunday only. for some reason. i just freaking hate it. while i was doing a floor walk i was asked to help the queue so i took calls. but the worst thing is that fish was not asked to take in calls. how about that? our original or full time floor walker took calls but he himself did not do a floorwalking so he should take calls, right? but what a lucky stinking fish, he was not asked to take in calls. un fair isn't it. well theres nothing i can do about it but it shows subjections. after a few calls, i was again asked to do a floorwalk, so i went ahead and do the floor walking shits, basically because they will have a coaching session, to gether with the full time fw and fish and an agent, which is sih's minions. it was exciting and joyful, at least i was able to break free from the torments of taking in calls. it's all good. so, now, i will have to take in calls full time because i don't have the schedule to do floor walking. tl will have a training later from 9am to 5pm and i have to sign and compose this letter of explanation why i was late and all. ok i have finished the first copy, now i'll have to copy it to the second copy of that freaking letter.

well last friday nothing much had happened and of course same thing, fish and tl having great time and stuff. then last saturday, i was shocked, around 1:22pm on my oc's clock time, ron came to me and approached me and asked things and told me stuff what had happened to him. of course at the back of his mind he wanted to boast what he is experiencing now, like he's a trainer and he has his own laptop and stuff. i did not pretend, i would consider it not a pretention from talking to him. i just wanted to get over things to make me feel alriight. so for his sake i tried to stay for quite a while and stuff. talked about what had happened in the team and all the agendas and whatever you may call it. before all that happened i have managed to message rex, a friend, because i visit him every saturday but he never replied, good thing i was not able to just go in his house, because he's not around. he went some place which i don't know. i called him last night to think and ask if he'll be available today in the afternoon. so he said yes and i can come to his house after my shift. but i have a strong feeling that he's not really expecting me to come because he's already fed up and i think that he thinks i'm just using him for some of his resources. well i would say it's half true and half not true. o well i guess there's nothing i can do if that is what he is feeling and all.

tomorrow will be my off and on wednesaday i'm back and thursday i'll be taking my off again, i mean spending my day off again. there's a big change with my schedule so it's pretty new for me now but i'm liking it.

based on my analysis, the reason why i was late yesterday, is because, i think, i was so happy last saturday for some reason, i would not say that i am happy because of what had excitingly happened, but i don't know, i think there's something in me that was satisfied so it took a rest and slept well. that's a good thinking for me, but i would not consider a certain situation made it satisfied or something, do you know what imean?

i have checked my email a while ago. tl sent us our AHT for the week or for the month, i'm not sure, but suprisingly i have or i am the agent with the top aht and fish, mwahahahahahah! a very unreasonable aht and tl indicated there that fws or oics that will not meet aht for the month will take in calls for the whole day, isn't that cutre? hopefully he would have to take in calls whole day, because he's so unfair. yeah pretty much intimidated and insecure about him.

well anyway, i ahve managed to apply for as an RTA, good thing that 3 agents were the only ones who had applied for that position, me, ferdie and jayjay. both of them are already under training so i'm not expecting that i'll be hired but at least, if ever they need a replacementas a trainee, then i guess i'll be chosen, hopefully. i once heard from a little bird that they'll be absobing 3 rta's possibly. hopefully 3 of us will be absorbed, mwahahahahahahha! i'm still hoping that i won't have to take an exam but i'm not expecting that not to happen. ferdie said that there will be no exam, just an interview. hmmmmm, unusual.

i just hate it everytime i see fish. i'm trying to be nonchalant but i feel like they know what's in my head, so i feel it's pretty obvious. he actually asked me how i was yesterday when i was doing fw, i replied to him nicely and i even smiled, i hope that's not fake, but i just can't erase it from my head that he's plastic in what he did last time i emailed that prick! moving on, hopefully he would freaking get out of my sight. i'm on my hands and knees ahout on to the heavens on high, that i will be an RTA in this company ASAP. mwahahahahahahha!

well what i'm doing now is i'm downloading some skins for my os, just to have new look and to make myself somehow, cool. well as of the moment i'm waiting for a call and it seems like it's not queueing and i like it.

gooooooooooooooooooooood news man, i received an email from tl and it's all about the floorwalking schedule for next week. fish will take calls for the whole day and i will be the floor walker on wednesday and sunday, yipee. belat! now he's on karma. now i will monitor him in case i became the floorwalker for the day he is taking in calls and monitor his calls all the time to check and see if ever he is cheating and all. now i have the chance to get back on him. well he desreve it anyway because he's an asshole and the biddest prick ever. o well i just can't wait to see his face when taking in calls these weeks. mwahahahahahaha! good luck shit head!

well i was pulled out from my station because we had a meeting with the big bosses here about the management and stuff. so i took my lunch just now and i only have 13 mins and counting. anyway, ferdie's here and he's pretty busy and all. people here are pretty busy and i wonder what's the buzz about. well, i just have to wait for 2 hours just to get outta here and visit rex, yipeee. by the way i have submitted my letter of explanation through marco since i had a call. tl approached me and i am on a call. she's having a microstrategy training today. i don't know if i did something hideous again. o well, can't tell unless she would talk to me and tell me about it.

moving on, i keep seeing this prick head and i really hate it a lot. one thing for sure during the meeting, he was so refined, quiet and subtle. mwahahahahahahaha! a really big difference with that a-hole. i guess he does not have the guts to talk and all and to prick around. well i'm just so excited for tomorrow i mean the day after tomorrow.

anyway, i just read tl's email. i'm pretty nervous about the hardphone scandal and stuff. i don't know what it is all about. anyway it's almost the end of my shift so i guess i have to park my hands now. see you , perhaps on tuesday, i mean wednessday, hopefully i won't be late ever.



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