Wednesday, December 21, 2005


good day there. well i'm here to say a few words. well yesterday after the shift, both of them went ahead and went down to go somewhere. well i was left in the office to try totalk to our tl. well i haven't got any luck because she's eating her lunch and stuff. so she said she would talk to me today. hopefully she would be able to talk to me later. so this, great guy, ron, messaged me and invited me to accompany FERDIE to eat ice cream. so i texted them, ok. i really hate it because i wanted to go home early. well i just did company them . ok so we went to ministop and decided to transfer somewhere else. so went at ministop outside the bldg. ok so they both so they ordered ice cream and i just waited outside to finish my cigar.. then finally they called me to eat ice cream after buying one. so i tld them that i don't want to eat ice cream. you know what's the saddest part is?, they both are ust talking and sharing shits. if you're gonna ask me what i'm doing? well i ust stood there and listen with their conversatiomn. shit man. shit. i hated it i just hope that i decided to go home immediately. so i grabbed my cellphone when i was outside finishing my cigar, to show that somebody just messaged me. so during hat darn situation, being ignored and stuff, i told them that i have to go home because my mom messaged me to go home early. of course what ferdie said is ok go ahead. then ronm said , don't throw him away. and it's like they both don't want to let me go but i insist to go home. so i went ahead and went home. finally i got out from their web and embarrassment of being out of place. when i got home i immediately changed clothes, removed my shoes and socks. then grabbed the disc player, power cord, cd and earphones. i listened to my mp3 collections so loud that i would not hear anything. i wasn't able to sleep immediately because of my freaking brain. i really hated that mooment that my brain keeps on showing me things that i should not see, you know what i mean? you would understand with the journals i've posted.

well i've checked my sign today with a free fortune. i've posted it on my signs dashboard. i'm going to post it anyway here. hre goes:

It's time for an interruption, one of the fun and fanciful variety. What -- or who -- do you need to get yourself into the spirit? Conspire with a friend to bust out of your daily routine: Bundle up and walk to work instead of carpooling, plan a trip to a gallery during the day, do some window shopping and then play a board game at a new cafe -- whatever suits your mood. The only important factor is that it's different.

You have an important new business development shaping up.

well what can i say about it? well it is happening. i really do like my account in EXCITE because it gives me information that are really happening. well i know you would not understand but i do because i can feel it.

yeah regarding try something different as what it says on my sign. it is happening and i wanted to sway away from it because i really hate what i'm feeling now when i'm with them. i'm starting to ignore them and now i am pretty much a bit feeling fine or shall i say, recovered? i don't know. who knows? well fortunately, i left my cellphone at home and there's a reason for me to say that i left my phone the reason wy i was not able to mesage them. once they message me if i'll be leaving the office. isn't that cool. can't deny that i'm gonna miss them but, duh, i was never ment to be ignored.

a while ago when he arrived he invited me for a smoke but thankfully it was postponed for whatever reason. then we did smoke when we took our first break, duh, when we we in the smoking area, fortunately there are some other poeple that i know and i was able to have a short talk about stuff showing him that i'm not interested to talk with him, subconciously, i wonder if he feels that. after that break my buddy is the next to take calls and i will just assist him with his call. it took us more than an hour to finish it for whatever reason, and so those two people that i'm talking about is about to take their lunch. i told them to go ahead and i'll just follow but it was my intention not to join them so that i could eat solo and start to adjust or go back with the real me. isn't that cool.

right now my fist is turning red because i kept punching anything that is hard, like the wall, the arm chair and stuff ust to get over with what i was feeling, frustrated, disappointed, pathetic and stuff.


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