Wednesday, March 08, 2006


finally, i was able to feel something good today. well, the reason why i started this blog just now, at 1:47am, is because i was a floor walker. whew, that was soooo good. of course there are times that i feel like i'm a bitch, but thankfully nobody ever felt that i'm a bitch, but though i'm still waiting for the feedback, coz maybe tomorrow i would hear some feedback, bad to be specific, from someone. i will respect that though. can't blame them coz sometimes i'm not aware that i'm a bit bitch.

anyway, i just talked to ferdie and he is planning to resign, probably next week, as what he said. i felt so way down bad because i would have to loose such a great friend. too bad that everything will just dessiminate. o well, i hope that i would be working in canada. i hope it will go through for me this year. how i wish.... well things have changed obviously. well one thing that makes me inspire is rex. an old friend. at least i still have him around in my life and actually he messaged me to visit him this coming saturday to help him with something which i don't know. i was not able to call him as i promised but i have emailed him and wondering if ever he had checked his email. o well, whatever....

so now, i was also wondering if ever i should come to our team building because of that. i'm not really excited to go since on saturday rex is inviting me to come over to his place to help him on something. i believe that would be the computer problem and i love fixing computers. i just can't wait to go there now.

o well i just can't wait till thursday because that will be my fw day again. i've missed it. i really miss the time today when i was a floor walker because it feels so good, helping people and building rapport and all. how i wish i will be a permanent fw but i guess that's too far from the reality. by the way i have managed to talk and ask stuff to seagate. i wonder if that's bad. i guess i had let go of the bitter days. or i have let go of the grudges i have felt inside. but definitely not. whatever, because i still can't look straight on his freaking face. he's a menance for me. o well good luck with his transfer once he passed the test he just took last time. huh! what a lucky shit!

anyway, moving on i wanted to go home now. i can't stand this uneasiness i feel inside and hoping that i will be assigned somehow, because this freaking seagate is assigned for the whole day. too bad for me because i just have to still take calls. hopefully i would make a breaking record and that i would beat him with the team stats so i can be a full time oic.

it's almost 3am and i wanted to go home already. i felt so bad to day because it's not enough for me to become a floor walker for the day, hopefully it would be full time so somehow i would be content. just for my own satisfaction. since my friends are leaving here in this messed up place, well i will also follow and proceed with canada.

for the first time, i have managed to drink a cup of chocolate on my station which is prohibited as far as i know. anyway as long as no one's stopping me, that's fine. i am currently in break, last break ever, and wondering what will happen next...too mysterious and i'm mystified. moving on, canada please wait for me and i'm waiting now. hopefully it'll happen as much as possible..

basically, seagate is taking in calls now, whew i thought he will be a floor walker for the rest of the day. belat! mwahahahahahaahaha!

anyway perhaps tomorrow will be a big day again for me and i'll be able to share a lot of stuff regarding my experiences. ciao.


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