Tuesday, February 28, 2006

shoved it on your face

hi there, it's 8:52 pm and i have my new schedule. i'm in night shift again and i kinda like it. well, basically because we have an nd and also i want this schedule because time flies so fast unlike in morning shift. well, i'm gonna miss it anyway. i wonder if it'll be queueing. well that would be better than during day shift. if it's avail, time flies so slow especially if you're not doing anything. basically i'm seeing seagate's face here and i'm irritated. but i was able to manage talking with seagate. that person is acutally teaching me how to make ammends with seagate. because of that person's attitude, i'm making things possibnle now with seagate. so i'm really sorry if that person find me as a liar or what. it's because of that person. i'm feeling ok now. i don't know why i guess i have fully recovered.

by the way CANADA is here. my parents and sisters are asking me to apply with them for CANADA. i will apply, but sometimes i feel like not. i ereally wanted to be alone without them. i wanted to be independent and feel, being alone and not worrying about them. i wonder how it feels to be free.

last saturday, i went to lawrence's house, birthday, well i've enjoyed it. i like it. i was able to play the guitar but i was placed in the spot by his cousin while i was playing the guitar. he is asking me to play a guitar i mean a music or song which i'm not really good at. he is requesting me to play songs that i don't really know the chords. i was really humiliated and shy but that's alright. i just wanted to play the guitar. basically doms was the one who is good with playing guitar. but actually he was sleeping then. but i find the party good and fine and joyful. i was able to meet new people like, monique, and chet. chet is a very, very nice girl. she's not the typical women who are very snooty, snobbish and too quiet. first of all, when i met monique, john's gf, she was so snooty and snobbish which irritated me. i even told myself, akal mo kung sinong maganda. but eventually we were able to have good conversation by catching her interest and also being nice with her. then all through out the night we were talking about stuff like her work and her life with jon, whatsoever. it was fun. then suddenly mom called and asking me to go home because we're having problems in the country itself and she said that it is dangerous. Chet accompanied me to get a ride and taught me where i can take a ride to go home. eventually the place has a ride going to cubao .

well i was so happy because for the mean time, i was able to meet new people to hang out with. they're people that i would say, happy go lucky and a very postive people. those are the kind of people that i should hang out with. not like that person, all i hear from that person are stuff that that person feels, bad things and problems regarding the growth and the situation that is going ion with that person in this company. o well i'll snap out of that person. mwahahahaha! good luck with that person.

it's such a beautiful day. i wonder why i feel so good today? i was able to tell tl that i take my lunch at 30th floor. she said that i'm a loner. but that's alright i don't really care. moving on, it's queueing. calls get through spontaneously and it's killing the time for me to finish this blog. i am happy because at least, jon appreciates my presence in the party and that he said or he asked why did i went home early last saturday. so i told him that my mom asked me to go home already, because she's pretty scared on what's been going on in the country. so we did have a little conversation regarding the politics and stuff. then talked about what had happened after i left the party.

i managed to post my new poem, and i know nobody cares. i do. it's 1:00 am and i just can't wait to take my lunch. i wonder if ferdie would take his lunch with me? i believe he's pretty busy with his job. how i wish i had that freaking job. o well, life goes on, i'll try to be strong. but i wish that i could go to CANADA now. mwahahahahahahaha!

well i took my lunch and unfortunately, ferdie was not able to join me. o well, so i took it by myself. when i entered the pantry, i met roland and so i joined him and finished his lunch first and go ahead and left me. then i met him again in the smoking room. chit chat about christians accident and the donation, or help that we could offer to that guy. well, i'm not promising for me to offer money, because basically, we do need money to. i'm really sorry because i'm a pauper. but basicaly, if i'm independent and i earn for myself, i would definietly give my money. o well, let's just see. moving on, what a day! so sad. so bad. it makes me mad. everything is so routinary in a sense there's no progress. too bad. i still have 20 minutes and counting til i take more calls. will i be able to surpass all these. i'm down on my hands and knees shout on to the heavens on high, i will surpass all these. how i wish.....i hope that i'll be recognized for something. hopefully it'll make me a damn darn person again. precious borja is acting so strange lately, as what i've noticed. i don't klnow, i guess everthing's so blurry and everyone's so fake. well good luck with that.

everytime i tried to talk to pre, this fish, interrupts and butts in. so irritating and pre would give her attention to that fish. so what i do is just to sit down and pretend nothing happeneds. ok no problem, i'm not too eager to mingle with them much and they're not someone important to me at lall. all of the luck and blessings, they may have and i give it to them open arms. god, so pathetic..... i just can't take this anymore. if they thnk that they're on the highest level, well it's free, but basically they're not. going on with my life, i wonder what will happen later on. i'm scared and i'm bothered. i'm even disturned.

i wanted to shove it on their face, that they're not something so nice that everyone would appreciate all of the things they're doing to me. hopefully, they would realize that and of course the most important thing is they show it. they show it through their actions that they've realized that. .

o well so much ado about nothing. it's killing me now. i wonder what are the things possible for me to do to make this shit go away.... o well this is not good at all.someone said, change is good...it helps us grow.... o well so much change, turns out blurry and everyon'es so fake.

i just got pissed off by this INDIAN jerk. very impolite and arrogant o well good luck with him..... it's 4:19 and i still have an hour and 41 minutes to go and i'm oputta here. see you later man....


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