Tuesday, February 14, 2006

ease of pain.......hmmmmm....

hello! i'm back again. it's been days, since i've been trying to recover. well, today, i feel so happy and feel easy. i wish i'll be like this for all of my life. i've been reading books and it's a good start for a new life?, whatsoever! well i like the story of the book that i'm reading. my sister said and actually compared it from another book which was eventually made as a movie. well i don't care, as long as i'm liking the book, i don't have to compare it to another book. well i never really liked that book, or shall i say the movie. it's confusing and i really don't like the flow of the story. well anyway snap out of that story.

first of all, HAPPY VALENTINE'sDAY! today's the fourteenth of February. i just realized that i'm wearing red shirt. wheen i approached to the smoking room, this TL laughed at my shirt. i was a bit concious because i was thinking that i'm wearing a girl's shirt because of the print. it says BONITA. my mom gave ti to me. ok, that FISH! anyway, i did not mind as long as it's not fit or anything that would make me look like a diversed person, it's ok. walang pakialamana pwede ba! i wonder where our TL is. she assigned this seagate, barracuda, voldemort, he who must not be named, boastful, scalawag. ok i'm not affecte by for sure i'm not going to acknowledge or you know, whatever interaction needed to him. just leave me alone prick!

it's 5:31 am and waiting until i get on my headset and talk to these , you know, clients. i just can't wait til i go home, again?

my sister talked to me last night regarding the way our spending takes place. how our mom, handles the money for spending. well, i did not questioned my mom regarding that because for sure, i know i've paid my credit card. well basically she has a plan and she's going to relay it to our mom. hopefully, my mom won't get mad, or get depressed and also demotivated by that. our mom is too sensitive, as what i have inherited. i hope she would understand and that she won't be too sad to hear it or even feel bad about it. i hate seeing this scalawag here. i've read his email and his signature is, he wanted to be a TL of Siemens. ok go for it, you egocentric, selfish, prick jerk. o well, we never know how will it flow. it's possible that he would be the first one to become a TL and i'll never be, or vise versa or whatsoever. so many probabilities, and we just have to see it, until the time comes. i'm not being hypocrite. i will be happy for him if he becomes one. i'm not against that. but though i hate it when he boast around about it. it sucks, and it makes me irritated. how i wish ferdie, arrived aso i can have someone to talk to.

another day, another sad, pathetic, nostalgic, tearjerky, feeling. o well, come what may and hopefully everythings gonna be fine. mwahahahahahahaha!

a while ago, when i woke up, our neighbor is too noisy. they seem to talk so loud that you can barely hear them. they even manage to fire their pellete gun that it reaches our house's roof. i was outside the house wating my breakfast. i was shocked that it coud hit me on the head oir my eyes. then evidently when they've sensed that someone's awake they all disappear and the moment was quiet. those prick. palibhasa kasi, kagawad sila at malakas ang loob. they're so inconsiderate. how i wish they would regret the things thay are doing. i just thought to inform the baranggay about that so they would be notified t o stop what they're doing. it disturbs the community. o well they will find someone their own size. right now as oof the moment, this FISH's minion is so noisy. he speaks and talks so loud that makes me irritated and annoyed. you don't have to talk so loud. be soncisiderate that some poeople are also taking calls and your so noisy.

basically, right now, people are standing at this message board for valentines.o well i'm not really amazed like i could kill them. i'm not in love by the way. i do respect the event but i'm not into it deeply. i don't really care. i'm currently taking the exam and we were given 2 hours to take it and finish it. well i'm done, i'm just consuming the hours given, just to sway away from taking calls. my mom messaged me and greeted me happy valentines day. i messaged her back and replied the same thing. i guess mom is already waken and wathcing UNANG HIRIT! anyway, i'm pretending that i'm still taking the exam. i've messaged or emailed ferdie and i get no reply. this selfish metallic teeth, jerk. o well, let him live his own freaking life. i just can't wait til day off arrives. what would be the other thing, or what would possibly go wrong? well actually, everyday of my life goes wrong, so i could not imagine for me to say that. duh!

I wanted to live my life accordingly, like, i'm not feeling pathetic, nostalgic, tearjerky specie. i just submitted my exam and i got 61 and so i've passed and i'm a certified technician and that's only for a year. ok so it'll expire feb 14 2007. i wonder if i'll be still here.... moving on, fish and his minions asked me about my score and i did not care. so what if they've got the highest score, well i'm happy for them and don't they compare myself to them because basically i'm ahead of them in terms of profesionalism and stuff....mwahahahaha! it's just a test and i don't really care much about it. it does not measure your whole being.

i just took and actally i'm taking my break as per tl's request. i was not able to consume 2 hours. what could possible go right tomorrow? today or later? haaaaay, i'm so bored. how can i set aside myself from this boredom and weariness? can you tell me? i still have 3 minutes and counting til i take calls again. what a boring, routinary lifestyle. i'm wondering how much will i earn or i will have for my salary tomorrow. well i'm planning to buy me a pair of shoes and a sim reader to transfer all of my messages to my computer so i will have a collection of messages which people had sent me. those are special messages. i wonder if that's cool enough to buy. hopefully it won't cost much. i will have to save money from now on because life nowadays is not that easy.

a while ago while i was smoking, i used to think of things, imagine things or having an illusions of stupid stuff. i don't want to specify it here, it's really humiliating. la lang, just wanted to think o fnice things for me to be enlightened. i used to think things that would enlighten me. anything under the sun. i know it's pretty way too worthless and inappropriate. very well, kjust as long as i'm here, i can still breathe, i can still sleep, ican still live my life, that will be alright, don't you think? everyday is just an ordinary day. gonna have to find a way to make it exrtaordinary. isn't that cool. i don't even have a clue what it is to make it extraordinary. what a bum. i will try my best to think of stuff that would make it good, somehow. i know i'm not making sense at all but i do know what i'm talking about. i will be free. actually, i'm starting to break free from these thoughts. i'm not feeling so bad now. anyway i know it's my idea. i don't want to plan things for tomorrow but i know what i'll do. i don't want to assume because for sure it'll turn out the way i did not think of. let's just see and wonder. mwahahahahaha!

i still have 4 hours to go til the shift ends. o well i just took continuous calls. non stop. it's queueuing. anyway, i'll see you tomorrow.about some updates and shits. ciao.


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