Friday, February 03, 2006

Birthday present.....what a tearjerker

Hi! I'm at home right now. I did not go to work today as per mom's request to be able to get the money which was sent to her by my sister. Basically, I wanted to tell you something about what had happened to my birthday last night. Ron, Ferdie and I went ahead and headed to National Bookstore to buy something. We finally saw Ferdie at National Bookstore. He was buying a greeting card for me. We've stayed there for about an hour because Ron was buying and selecting a book. I did not mind because at least I'm having or spending time again with the three of us. The old days. Then we go ahead and went to Alimall to have ron's cellphone serviced. we left there around 6pm. Then we took a jeepney ride, immediately. While we were in the jeep we were talking about certain stuff at work, fish and his minions. Then suddenly when we were at Iglesia ni Cristo along the way to our house. The jeep that we are riding got a flat tire. Pakshet! I was pretty scared when that happened. mainly because it's a sign of something could go wrong. I don't know what it is, but i told Ron, based on my experiences with things or scenarios like that, when i got home, my mom would scold me because of something, or even me and my sister would quarrel about something. I explained to him that it's like a warning to me to get prepared for a bad luck! he said that i don't have to worry about that and it won't happen. Then we had arrived to our destination and rode a tricycle. Then the tricycle that we rode in, stalls. He went to the gas station and i'm in a hurry, i was thinking that all thepeople in the house are so hungry and could not wait for me no more. When we finally got home. Shockingly, all of my sisters are not there yet. So we are the ones that will wait for them. Ok then my mom asked me where Beth and Precious are. So i told her that I will pick up Beth from their house and Precious could not make it today. eventually precious was able to come to my birthday with her bf. I just hate it. Prior to that scenario, I messaged Beth and evidently, she was waiting for my message so she can get ready, or prepare. So I waited for her there until she dress up.

I was so happy that Ferdie Ron and Beth were able to get along with each other. Ferdie is the one that makes everything cool. He's funny and Beth likes it and all they did through out the night is, laugh. I enjoy it too. When Precios and his bf arrived, the night began to die down a bit. well basically, Precious is not mingling with my friends and so i have to talk to both of them because i'm a bit uncomfortable seeing them so quiet. Guess what, when they left. My friends said that Precious has an attitude. The same thing with Ron and Ferdie, they seem to say the same thing about her. Especially, my mom and sisters. My mom and sisters said that she is boastful and ugly. I understand and anyway i've realized that when they told that to me, because when they came to our house they seem so different as what i've known them. sabi ko nga oo nga naman. I can say that she is nice to me, but with others she has an attitude. My mom and even said that Kojie, Precious' bf, looks like a driver. What I can say 'bout that is, it is true and I agree with my mom. Kojie is not really pleasing. I was wondering why she loved him and why she liked him. anyway perhaps he has better qualities than me. I don't really care.

Finally, I was able to spend my time with the best company, Ron, Ferdie and Beth. We were able to smoke outside and they were pretty funny when Ditchie arrived. They were hiding their cigars. I told them why would you have to hide it. It's alright and that's not a problem. They can smoke and we can actually smoke as long as were outside. Then Ferdie is still making jokes and stuff that makes the night extraordinary also. Then we sat down near the basketball. Ferdie bought peanuts and so we ate it and took some pictures. It was cool. Then decided to go to Corida to have a drink and play billiards. We really had a great time together and i will never ever forget that night. It will be the top 1 best-day-ever list in my whole freaking nostalgic, tearjerker life. Then I walk Beth home but first we stopped by at our house to get Ron's things and also to take home some food. Well, i was able to give salad for the three of them. I went back to Corida after walking Beth home. Ferdie and Ron were still playing billiards and they're just finishing the last game. Then they've decided to go home. I accompanied them to get a taxi and messaged them, and told them how thankful i am for all of them for making it an extraordinary day of my life and also thanked them for their gifts. Actually before we went to Corida Ron gave me a gift. A Book. Very thoughtful and very wise to know what gift he would give me. Actually the book is about leadership. Well, because I am being shaped to become a TL. It's kinda like a guidance for me. I was shocked, surprised and amazed that i could die now.

When I got home i had a little chit chat with my mom about precious and my officemates as well as Beth. They find precious boastful. They also find Beth a very nice person. The best part of all is with Ferdie and Ron, they said that they like both of them because they're decent looking. So it's a reflection that me, myself know how and who to choose as friends. With Precious, I don't regret it, because she's nice actually and she's not what they think she is. All i wanted to say is that, I know how to select friends. Though I've met some friends that are really worthless and ego centric but it's because they've changed. I felt lucky and flattered about what mom said about Ron and Ferdie. It's a good thing that i have met these people. I am down on my hands and knees and shout on to the heavens on high, this will be a friendship that will last for a lifetime.

O well, today i was messaging the both of them, for them to feel, somehow that i calue them and i give them uimportance and that i really, deeply, treasure them. ok hopefully nothings going to change. now i wanted to feel and see how envious fish and his minions about how strong, decent, solid and good our companionship especially our friendship.

See you tomorrow and i'll have a lot of things to share..... ciao and thank you so very much for the great, extraordinary, headspinning experience.


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