Friday, January 27, 2006


good morning! it's 5:53 am and met my fellow bandmate,schoolmate,classmate, friend in college here at work. good thing we were able to share stories about things that we commonly know. regarding the recording that we had when we play several music in a recording place. darn it. i lost that tape and so i'm pretty piissed off. i never knew that i would lost that shit. anyway i'll just move on.

she approached me and told me to go on assign after the call . we had a meeting together with the 3 other people. well basically it's all about molding us to become a tl. alright that's so cool. so i don't know when we'll start but hopefully it'll be good fo uus. i'm going to make it good, somehow. i hope that i'll be recognized or commend regarding the great job. now what's scaring me is my application to become a tl. once i'm interviewed and went on with the process. hopefully that i'll pass and that i'm pretty much recommended to become one for a career growth. haaaaay, i'm so excited. by the way, in the conference room i was able to mingle with the 2 brats. i've asked myself after the meeting, i've realized if i was pretentious that moment. but then something came into my mind that i'm not, because as far asi know the anger, irritation and annoyance have disappeared. but not totally.

that person came to my station and tapped me to go on break to have a smoke. i told him that i just finished smoking and that i did not know that person is still around. good luck with that. so i told him to get his itr at the receptions area and also asked him if he wanted to wait for me til 9:30 to take my lunch. well of course he did not mind. o well i got a lot of stories to tell you but never mind, see you perhaps later or tomorrow. too bad, lately, past few days, we were so cold and no conversations much. by the way, i received that person's email and he said that feb 2 is his off. good thing at least he does not have a problem to come over to my house. for my bday. i'm really excited, for that. i just can't wait til my bday comes.

my birthday wish are, for me to become a tl here at siemens, hopefully canada will be also available sooner. i wanted to move on, what i'm saying is, i wanna experience the whole new world. what it's like to be alone, independent and making your own decisions. well i'm still hoping that my friends here will still be there for me and will never forget. o well, for now, everythings changing rapidly. i can't even imagine how well i am in regards with my work now. unbelievable that i'm recognized and chosen to become a tl. hopefully that i will be the first one in our batch here in this team, to become tl. what would be that person's reaction? would you think he would be intemidated, insecured or even get mad at me foro that? i don't know. i guess time will tell. hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for me again. i just realized today, that i keep getting good news and experiencing it without expecting much. before i expect much and so it dragged me down. now i'm not expecting ut it just happeneds. this will be a history for me. well i wanted to that person to somehow show that he is happy for me and that he would not have this bad feelings or insecure feelings about my promotion or something. i'm not saying that i'm promoted but you know i'm getting there. what do you think?

well one thing i've noticed also with that person is, he's immitating my fashion. hmmmmmm, i don't know if that's true but i'm seeing it. i've just decided this week to wear polo. just for a change. i'm also growing my beard and mustache, and that person too. or i think i should give a benefit of the doubt regarding tht. i may be wrong. not all or everybody has the same thing in my mind. i don't have the right to assume. ok, i understand that but that's the only thing that i think the way i see things. nowadays, i keep seeing agents wearing siemens jacket as what they purchase just to make their batch unique all else. well that's cool and i don't mind or i did not come to think of doing the same thing. let them live their life and so am i. i'm pretty excited today. i just can't wait for the time that we weill be assigned to handle our agents. i'm thinking about how will i start to coach them. i don't know if i should be planning now regarding that. i should come to think about the plans now so i can somehow consult it to my tl to check if that will be the right step for the nitial step. ain't that cute? well i have a lot of stories to tell to that person but evidently, we don't have time. darn it. i've missed the conversation that we always had. but please, i don't want the same old darn stories he is conversing to me. about fish and his minions and about her and stuff. i don't want to be the problem or bad feeling bearer. it's sick, tiring, and i'm fed up. o i just can't wait for that day...... i wanna show how responsible i am to handle tasks. i am pretty shocked when fish and his minions was chosen to become tls also. i think they don't deserve it because so far as what i have kknown them, they're not respponsible enough. i'm not being bitter, i'm just stating the fact. in stating the fact it's not being bitter. 8 minutes and counting til i log in again. o well i'm feeling low again because i think i've shown all the excitement that i felt. too bad.

i kept on receiving quotes from my friend, zen. she keeps sending me quotes and it already used up my inbox i've saved some messages fro me to forward the next time i got a new load for my cellphone. it'll be text galore once i bought a load. hopefully i will be excited when i got home. by the way, i will burn mom 2 discs for her to give out to her friends, by the way. that will be cool as long as my sister won't abuse the computer later on.

see you around myt. perhaps see you tomorrow and i'll update you further of what's going to happen. hopefully it'll be good.


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