Thursday, January 26, 2006


another day, another life, another ado. o well, i wonder what will happen today. i've sent her an email and i got no reply about it. i think that she won't allow me. o please, don't say that or else...... what a day. i got a message from THAT person, not her but that person, asking me about FISH's application for TL. i did not reply because i don't have a load and that it's a freaking waste of time for me. i'm pretty fed up with that kind of conversation. it's like, he just woke up because he was bothered or disturbed about that fish's application. what a loser! that person is so freaking insecure and intemidated by fish. i hate it. that person should be happy whatever success that person has. it's no like because this person is bad, he does not deserve to succeed. we don't consider those things only, yeah i believe he's mean and so darn irritating but that person should not be bitter. let him, fish, grab any opportunity he wants, in this world success or fame does not count when you go to heaven. it's better to be nothing here in this world, than nothing when you past away. as long as you do good things in this world, that's better. that person should understand that. i just can't believe that person feel that way. if that person really like to have that success that person should do something about it, and disregard those bitterness and insecurities. it won't do any good. one more advise is that, that person should not be too paranoid about things like that, it'll drag him down. don't let the success falls down on fish, but he should do it in a friendly competition. well, basically, he keeps reminding me not to be like them. i feel that i won't be like them and i won't even mingle with them, they're not the typo that i would like to mingle with. one more request is, hopefully, he won't message me things about fish only, coz i feel like i'm just someone that you can talk to regarding that situation and nothing else. i understand that he appreciates my somwhow words of wisdom regarding that but please, i'm pretty fed up, annoyed and irritated. hopefully that person can hear me out's 5:34 am and i wonder what are the things i can do for today? will i be happy, the same as yesterday? earlier i just realized that i left my scapular, i really hate myself for that. i always wear that, but today, i forgot to wear it. stupid me. sorry, for forgetting to wear that scapular, i hope i'll still be guided and guarded.

let's talk about something else. i don't want to talk about that person, she, fish and stuff about work. i just realized that i almost have a book, ready to be published regarding my experiences at work. well i just checked my blog yesterday and i have a lot of comments, senseless and inquisitive comments. comments posted on my blogs are the same, all the same, requesting me to check their blog, well i'm not interested because for sure it's just a spam. advertising their freaking products and stuff which is way too unworthy. and so far i think are just hoax. by the way, when i came home yesterday, my sister just arrived from school and so she raced on me to use the computer. evidently it took her hours and hours to use the computer and the internet. also i just heard that last night my sister woke up and found out that our electric fan is burning. my mom told me the exact thing happened. my sister woke up with no reason at all, and found that the electric fan is burning, she was able to unplug the cord and puor water on the fan, thankfully, she was proactive on what she should do. that was pretty scary. i just decided to buy a new fan, than any other things that i came to think of. of course because of that, i was scolded and given advise blahblahblah, yadiyadiyada. fine.

here i go again, well, basically she tapped me and told me to go on aux feedback for coaching. ok we talked about my stats and the target and the current stat that i had this month. then finally we talked about general behavior. ok we had this conversation about that person. that person messaged her last night regarding fish's recommendation and crap to become a tl and so what. i was pretty nervous about it because i was the one to blame. it comes out that i tell that person about fish becoming a floor walker and stuff, but eventually, i did not tell that to him, he asked me why fish is roaming around and stuff and so i said i don't knnow, maybe he's a floor walker because it's within his freaking shift. then that person asked her about the passion of fish becoming tl, which she got offended as what she told me earlier. i got mad about that person first thing when she told that to me. it comes out that i'm being bad, in general.

basically, i was shocked to day because he's still here talking with her and you know having a chit chat about certain stuff to make it clear for both of them. i don't know if they're talking trash about me or something ok just now that person left. asked me if it's my dismissal. of course not i'll be here until 3pm. too bad that my schedule will be the same and that i only have one day off. i don't know if that's good or what. but i believe that will be great at least i don't have to stay home for 2 freaking days just to see things surrounds me, unwanted. do you know what i mean? or do i make sense? whatever! so long , that person. see you perhaps tomorrow and hopefully everythings clear to you now. what a day. 7 minutes and counting til i log in again and take calls. thankfully the expats are gone. and that i took my lunch already before they did some barging with calls. ok so what's good for today? i don't have an idea but just wait til i get into that freaking moment. scary..... see you later myt!

well finally, she left, it's 11:51 am. i feel so lonely. i wonder what i can do for now on my station. so far there's another expat barging in to my colleague's call. hopefully no one would barge in with my call or else..... there's nothing i can do........ i want to go home now, and by the way, i just received our new schedule for next week and damn, i will only have 1 day off next week. my off is sunday and monday, i have to go to work next week for 6 freaking days. that's an agony. just one off? i wonder who makes the schedule....i wanted to kill it..... such a pain for me, but there's nothing i can do about that. they're so mean and bad.

i really miss a lot of things in life. i missed the old days. all i can do is just to think about it and nothing else. i really want a change. i hope there's a lot of things that will happen to me this year, and i mean wonderful things. i really hope that this is my year. since i have the year of the dog, water dog, and hopefully it's a good year for me. i really want to feel good about what will happen to me. o well come what may, and see what will happen.....

see you tomorrow and so far i don't have any info to share. i feel so empty today and i feel nothing, no ados much.


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