Saturday, January 28, 2006


Ji, it's 8:25 and i just started this journal. I was pretty busy earlier because of the updates i had relayed to our tl. i've sent an email again regarding that and so it took me sometme to do all the task. before all that, when i arrive here at work i took my stuff in my locker, brought out my pen and i brought with me 2 boxes of TIKOY for me to give to my tl and friend. of course the reason why i took out my pen is to write their names on the box and also a brief greeting. TL asked me how i canor how she can cook it. told him just to fry it and dip it with a scrambled egg. she said that i'm really a chinese. well basically i wanted to do that for them to remeber me. then finally after a few hours i decided to bring the other box to my frien'd station. he's taking calls and so he managed to talk with me while on the call. i've stayed there for about 20 minutes, chit-chatting about stiff. well we did not even meet after his shift. he already left when our tl conducted a meeting for us all. he kept messaging me and even called on my cellphone. ok i was not able to answer that during the meeting of course. so i went to the smoking room after the meeting, perhaps he's there. he's not and so somebody is in the smoking room, herbert, and told him about that i thought ron was there. well i've mentioned that i don't have a load. he automatically lend me his phone and said to call him up. i was shocked but amazed that he let me use his phone to take a phone call. so i called him and basically told him that we had a meeting and stuff. asked him where he is and he's at a certain fast food. aske dhim also if he'll go straight home. he said yes and so tried ending the call and he greeted me KUNG HEI FAT CHOI! i said or i replied, sige! what a darn, dumb reply. after the call i thanked herbert and had a few conversation regarding his cssat and that customer who gave him a csat is so stupid. he failed him and so he told me that on the survey the customer had a great eperience but failed him. what the hell in the world is that? o well there's nothing we can do about it. just get a higher score next time. good luck next time.

Ok then afterwards he left and i was left alone in the room. so i kept talking to myself and think about craps. what a loser! then now i took my lunch and went downstairs to eat. then thought of the same crap in mind and it pisses me off. until now when i went upstairs to grab a smoke, and thought of crappy things again. while i'm typing, still thinking of crappy things. what the fuck! this is really pissing me off. i can't get it off my head hopefully, i could manage to make it stop. is it casting over? i don't think so. i wish it could. i don't feel special or anything special today. i hate it. i just freaking hate it. when i come home, what would be the next big thing could happen? i don't freaking know but hopefully things will be darn good and great and freaking exciting. i'm so tired f browsing the internet and downloading stuff. i wanted to download major updates but basically i have a turtle connection and it's really frustrating and i really would like to make it fdaast. i gota have a high internet or fast internet connection, but, hello, can i even afford that? dream on.

on feb 1 by the way, we'll start doing tl tasks and all. i wonder what could happen. tl said to me that when ferdie is around then we'll have a meeting with him. i don't know if i'll do the talking or what? ok let's prepare. hopefully i would be a reasonable tl for feb 1. i'll have more responsibility now and hopefully when finally i apply for the tl position, i'll pass. or else, i'm darn so stupid. so please give me strength to do that. to pass it and eventually make it to that position. heaven save me! i'm down on my hands and knees and shout on the heavens on high, i will make it!

later on my mom will go to the concert together with her highschool friends. they're going to watch lettermen. hopefully they would be able to watch it harmoniously and that they'll be safe. it's 6 minutes and counting till i log in again. i've nooticed that time flies so fast today. i just took my 1st break and now my lunch. this is it, myt!. see you later.....

last night i called that person informed him about the meeting that we had yesterday, and too bad for me to tell him. well it [pissed him off. i said i'm sorry but he was not mad at me and in fact he's happy for me. he's just frustrated with the things that are going in his mind about the situation. he could have been one of thepeople to be given such task. i've asked him about his trainer application and he said that it's a lemon. ok lemon. then he would just say negative things again and stuff. i regret that taking of calling him because ii made his day bad. i'm really sorry..... i didn't mean to hurt his feeling. as a friend i don't want to hurt them or even give them a hard or bad day. i felt so guilty about it. supposedly, i should tell him why tl chose those guys i thought it was just me and willie. ok so go right ahead and do those things you choose, even if it does not the match her actions with her words.too far as i know, i see it clearly that she is doing good. she's not favoring those shit heads. it's just that that person is brain wahshing me. so i tend to feel the same feeling that person has with her. i'm now thinking that the reason behind he was transferred to another team is, because she thinks that he's a threat to her. it is also possible that fish and his minions are instructiong her to dump that person to another team, coz he's a threat? those stupid monkeys. i hope they die. they die like a man being hazed to death. suffer, agonized, and destroy. if i could only do that..... i hope that person would be my team mate again so i can grow more and that we will be spending time again during trainings. the same with the other guy. i've missed those days. it could have been other team mates that had been transferred. too bad for me really. or i could have been transferred. that would be fine. seeing that person so happy and stuff is good to me. at least experiencing the things that person want in this company will be good for me. unfortuantely all of his dreams in this company falls on me. i felt so guilty about it. in the first place i really did not expect much about this, but i was nboticed. shoickingly noticed. i'm exhilarated. one thing about me is, i'm a little paranoid about stuff. the reason also why i'm too silent. or i'm a man of few words. it's because i always think that people would say something bad about what i just siad or did. i'm not really conversal. i don't do a lot of chatting and say fiction things.

i don't have any intention to drag that person down. that person is my friend and i treasure him and i value that person. Just in case that that person hates me for that, well there's nothing i can do about it but just to blame myself and kill myself for that. i even told him that night that one thing i have realized is not to share things with him any longer for him will just get pissed off. i really hate what's been going on and it really makes me sick. i'm sick and tired of this situation. i always get problems,conflicts and pain, sorrow, agony, and dilemma. o well, i just have to get used to it. I need to get over this feeling but i wonder if i had. do they want me to be like this? if only i could make things good for now, well maybe i won't be writing journals about myself and about my pathetic life and worthless scenarios. for thoise who would attempt to read this, i know it's inquisitive and very senseless. don't say it, i know. well basically the reason behind this journal is just for me to express and let out the pain and sorrow and agony that i feel inside and it makes me somehow feel easy and light. of course everyone wants some one to talk to or with to release all the pain and sorrow. the way i doi t, i just write it or type it here. just to release those freaking stuff. well basically no one would even care when i tell this to them.

i really would like an intense change. i want it immediately as possible. i really want to just think about what i want now rather than thinking about someone who would do no good at all. would just add up to my frustration, depression, frustration and devastation. why do i have to experience this. it's so uncomfortable. i can't even download any file here. everything is blocked. i'm going to check my friendster account and see if somebody messaged me. by the way, i sent a testimonial to both of those people and what do i get, nothing, no thank you or even no reply. those b*tches. i got a call just now and it was an escalation because this darn stupid arrogant shit head cx is soooo embicile that i don't even imagine if he's an american or what. he seems to be the only american who don't or who does not understand perfect english....well that's what uneducated people are, i guess.....yeah you can say that i'm mean but basically they are the ones who are mean and arrogant. they can't even understand that we're here to help them and give them the best option but they're too demanding and too impolite. well screw them!. they're so bad and now i understand that they're malleducated and because of their liberated way of living, that's their attitude. i'm sorry to say this but this does not imply to all but some... sometimes i think, do they even think? don't they just give a little respect to others so they also can be paid with a full respect. o well stop thinking about this crap it's non sense, i just realized.

my sister messaged me and asking me if i need the tikoy. unfortunately i'm not able to reply because i don't have a load and i'm asking some people here if they have one but they don't and so i just wish she won't get my tikoy or else i'll kill her. that tikoy is for ferdie and i need to give it to him. that's a need and so she should understand's 2:17 pm and still waiting for another call. hopefully no more stupid calls. it will just irritate me so much.

o well til tomorrow....hopefully i will have a good day....


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