Tuesday, January 31, 2006

i had a dream.....

i'm back... well when i arrived at work, my station was occupied by some maniac and all of the agents are scattered and there a re new agents who are taking their first call ever... basically of course all of us are scattered and we just took other's station and used it. well as what i know, first come first serve. i took cy's station and i'm sitting beside 2 maniacs and all. whatever, i don't have time to talk about them, because first of all, they suck and they are the so called sucker. moving on, i recevied that person's message last sunday, i guess, i think i have said that already with my last blog. anyways i was not able to reply coz i still don't have a load and probably later on i'll be able to buy me a load. altight and i've saved a lot of quotes here which i will send and forward to my friends, just you know, to inform them that i still exists. it's 5:56 am and 4 minutes to go before i log in. crap! here we go again and i need to wait again until 3pm, for 5 freaking days, until my off comes. i missed that event, where i seem to have a good day, everytime i go home after work. i was ondeirng f ever those days would come back to cheer me up. o well i just have to be patient. i don't have to freak out just for that event to happen but just have to wait.

Found out that she will be here later at night. ok i was thinking how the hell will we able to have a meeting with her or how she'll condcut meetings for us. anyway that's her problem. well i'm pretty excited for tomorrow, hopefully it'll be a success and that the people that i will handle would somehow acknowledge me, or acknowledge my leadership. isn't that cool. i don't know what will happen and hopefully everyhtings gpoing to be just fine. i'm pretty scared, nervous and paranoid at the moment about this program.. I can freel it now, but shucks it's so scary. anyway, i got with me earlier, barging on my call, kurt, my co-employee in a previous call center. well we had a chit chat about any updates and what had happened there.

just now i got a call and it automatically logged me off my tool and get disconnected with the customer. then this loud mouth asshole shouted, that i did not do an outbound. then immediately i received a call. i wanted to tell him that i did call back but it was busy. that asshole. he wanted to prove something here. maybe he wanted to dominate or just to grab attention by anyone with that. does he wanted me to be humiliated or get noticed by the upper management? that bitch. his name is LEVI. i did not know that he's like that. I will now avoid him to avoid any conflicts just with FISH. The reason also why ron was a bit annoyed, when he told ron that he's growing beard and stuff. then LEVI told me that ron looked annoyed. then i told him tht ron is just havng a bad day. but i think ron was a bit annoyed with what levi said. this man, is the same as FISH. NO FILTER IN THEIR HEADS. To cut it short, IMMATURE! pathetic people. when will they grow up. i believe these people already have their own family and yet their so freaking immature. no filter.....well, they're going to get theirs, not now but someday. i'm counting on it. sorry guys but you're gonna get that. that's the problem with people who has an attention deficiency syndrome. KSAP in tagalog. o well they better get well soon, or else everybody would hatge them for that. because they're very, not very but they're old enough to be aware and to have that kind of sickness. that's too pathetic if you're old enough you still have this illness. they need a remedy, really.....i don't know what but surely they need one. i'm not really into a competition if that's what they had in mind and i don't care if they will be a tl now, at this very moment. I REALLY DON"T CARE. Well during my call he approached me and asked me about what happened. so i was able to tell him that i called back the customer. he believed me because he told that to the customer that the previous agent, which is me, trying to call her and unfortunately the phone was busy. butti naman ganun. then we did have a little chit chat and stuff and almost forgetting that i have a call. he's scared. mwahahahahahaha! well next time don't approach me like that. don't you ever, ever shout as if i doid something offensive, bad and hideous or else i'll kill you! i would admit wrong stuff and doings but don't you dare humiliate me in front of unknown people or unfamiliar people. you're embarrassing me and i will hate you for that. do you exactly know what's it like to be humiliated in fornt of people? i guess you know that because i believe you had experienced it before. just an advise dude, don't you ever, ever be a loud, pathetic, arrogant, enormous, mouth. (what i mean by enormous is enormity.....)

Going back to the real world, we received the payslip and i was shocked when i saw 11 on it. i just realized that it is the total earnings not the net pay. so i only have 9. damn it. too bad. i was so excited but then it disappoints me. depressing that i only got 9. the reason why iw ant to be in the night shift so ican earn 10 a month i mean 20 a month. that's pretty excitng dude. o well i just have to wait til my shift starts at 9pm to get a full nd everyday. i hope on my birthday, everythings fine good and comfy.

i had these thoughts again in mind. i don't wanna say it, it'll just drag me down. shucks, i hate this brain of mind. it keeps haunting me. i hate it. make it stop! for crying outloud. by the way, last night i had a dream, i was driving a jeep in a narrow road, 2 way narrow road to be specific and it's a mrket place which is very filthy and dirty. it causes traffic. at first i was driving it fast then i almost bang on something because of these arrogant people and driver. then few moments i woke up and heard my alarm clock. i wonder what it implies with my life. i had few things in mind but i really don't count it reasonable and a definite answer to that dream. i really want to talk to a dream analyzer. telling me what the fuck is that dream all about. it's scaring me and i don't know if it implies in my everyday, freaking, worthless, messed up life. it's so sad and yet so bad to have that kind of dream, which does not even give me any idea what it means. senseless and disappointing. who wants to be a millionaire as what i always say.

i'm so sick and tired of wondering what will happen these days, these coming days. i'm so restless and i feel uneasy, irritated, annoyed, fed up and depressed. i need a major change. i don't know exactly when where to start and how will i start the change. i gotta take a risk, make a chance and take a change but, duh, tell me. ok wile i was thinking about something to type here, a colleague approached me and told me that my mustache does not fit for me. ok now i had proven that my mom and sisters are right or were right about it. ok fine, this is the first time i had encountered being told by a person that this does not fit me. ok fine so i'll remove it tomorrow. whenever i check my face in the mirror or on the mirror it's quite ok. o well people has different perspectives, percepetions in life. ok fine. here i go again, i feel so embarrassed.. if only i could do something good for today. something appropriate. something extra ordinary. then i believe, life is good and beautiful as well as the day. whatever, are you even in a normal state of mind, dude? i don't get what you're saying. it does not even make sense.

it's 1:37 pm and i guess 2 hours to go until we log out and go home and withdraw cash. yipeeeeee. but i wonder what's good to buy or interesting to buy. darn it. can i like just die right now. meltdown or break away from this feelings that i have. it's driving me nuts and crazy, devastating. anyway ti's 3pm and we just finished our meeting. i'll continue this tomorrow.


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