Friday, March 03, 2006

good news, bad news...whatever......

hi there again. it's 7:30 pm and i'm aware that i'm pretty early here in the office. well basically, a while ago while i was sleeping, an employer called me and asking me to go to their office for an interview for a programmer position. i was thinking twice and basically asked the employer if it's ok for me to attend the interview tomorrow morning. she is suggesting me to come there now. so i said ok fine. i told that to mom and she said for me to go there and try it for a career change and also she does not want me to wok in a callcenter for the rest of my life. so i left the house around 3:00pm this afternoon. i've arrived 4:00 pm. i had an interview with the company and asked me for any experiences in programming and my skills with several programming languages. i was a bit pissed off, coz i can read in that employer's mind that i'm not qualified. so what i'm asking is for him to be straight forward if i'm not qualified so i can get outta there. i'm not really expecting them to hire me, because i'm already happy here in this work.

after the interview i went ahead and called precious in her office using my cellphone and unfortunately she already went home. before i call her in her office i contacted her in her cellphone but it's not attended. i was wondering if ever her cellphone again was lost. anyway, i wonder what's with that girl.... now, when i arrived here at work i've refunded the sim reader i bought because it's not working in my pc. i've already reformatted my computer and i still get an error. so i guess it is not compatible with my pc. the lady asked me to come back tomorrow at the store because she's going to consult their technician there to verify that. hopefully they would refund it because i can't use it. i have tried several software and still it does not work. after that scenario i went ahead and went upstairs prepared my tools and grabbed a smoke and spent some moment in the lounge. i feel so uneasy there. can't stand the way things are going on. i just can't describe the feeling that ihave and what will happen. i don't know if ever things will go wrong again for today. hopefully it'll be an ordinary day.

i feel so irritated with what's going on here. especially with my life. everything's so confusing and messed up. i don't know whether if i'm the one who's messing my life up. it's really making me ill. i really feel like i'm jaded. i'm always rejected for me to feel dejected. well that's fine, that's where my destination is. i'm really sorry if they feel bad when i'm around. basically i'm not doing anything to hurt their feelings. i do believe that someday, somehow, everything's gonna be just fine and i would find somebody who would accept me and treat me good and nice and even would not mind seeing me and talking with me. i hope that someone out there would be somehow too eager to see me and even talk to me and even spare time just to hang out with me and also excited and happy seeing me. just what i always feel when i find someone interesting and cool to be with. here's mr. pathetic again. can't blame anyone, coz i do believe someting inside of me that is very wrong. i just don't know what and i can't even determine.

what i'm waiting to happen now, is for me to be independent and alone. so i can find myself, understand myself and explore more about myself. i would like to know the extent of myself. coz living like this, with my family, really limits me to do stuff that i want. unlike when you're alone or independent you don't have to worry about anyone. you don't have to think that someone's waiting for you to come home nad to scold you for going home late. it's so lame, that everything falls down on me and make me suffer. i'm so tired, sick and fedup for all of these. hopefully there would come a day that i would find solace. i just can't wait because i feel like i'm running out of time. i do believe that time flies so fast and i need to make up for my life. someitmes i imagine myself being one of a band member, singing and composing songs and sharing your talents and meeting new, cool, interesting and fun people. how i can imagine having that kind of life.

i'm just a quiet person and keeps everything inside of me. i'm really not a conversal person. one of the reasons maybe why i'm ending up like this. well, i'm looking forward to meet rex. my long lost friend back in highschool. hopefully on saturday i will be available to visit him in their house and talk about a bunch of what had happened. i really envy that person, as you can see he's not really that smart guy, but i do believe he's smarter than i am, and so he is fortunate. his family just take vacation in america and until now he still studies and his parents are sponsoring his education until now. i believe that they are really fortunate with their lives. how i wish dad, did not acted like a bastard, so we could have experience the luxury of life. moving on, hopefully i would be successfull in life so that i could let my family experience the luxury in life.

today's the day, that i will have to see things clearly and understand them. o well, tl just arrived and i wonder what the fuck is she planning to for me.

well i just received a call and eventually, that person called on my cellphone. i had tl answer the phone. i would have to apologize to her because i believe it's unprofessional and impolite for asking favor for her to answer my phone. o well i'll do that later on because evidently fish is talking to her and stealing time. what a selfish egocentric shit, isn't it. well as far as i know the reason why that person and fish is not in good terms and never will be, because they have the same attitude. mwahahahahahaha! pathetic! i've asked tl what about it? about the phone call of that person. she said that that person is asking for the phone number of help desk. most probably that person will be absent today. finally! i don't have to worry about approaching ferdie at her station to grab a bite for later. i have noticed just now that tl is saying something to fish. i don't know whether if it has to do with me. i don't care as long as i don't hear my name or get any idea about their conversation that it regards to me, then everything's alright.... so right now i'm trying not to pay attention to their conversation because it's pissing me off. please go to your coaching session and talk there.

guess what! you know this QA, fish's friend? well basically i'm his idol. why? well he just came to our station where i can see him and he has this new hair just like mine. yesterday and these past few days i had this different hair style, no gel, no hair styling wax. now he had a hair cut and did the same style that i did. mwahahahahahhaha! pathetic! i've smiling right now because of that. sa tagalog, mga taon ngayon ini-idolo ako. kasi naman ako lang yung tipong taong mukhang rebel dito... na mukhang rockista. *sigh* it's a good feeling that somebody is idolizing me. huh! what a loser!

grabe ang sweet talaga ni fish at tl....i'm so happy that i could just kill 'em!!!**evil grin** That's wonderful, sarcastically, continue that and you'll see wonderful things that you'd never seen before.... a big nono, if you'll say i'm just jealous. i'm never jealous, i just hate it when favoritism shows. anyway i had a coaching session with tl about the floorwalking stuff. basically, fish is the chosen oic because of a good stat which i can't even dispute. that stupid customer caused my stat to go down and he'll get his.

anyway, so much for my happy ending....... i just hope that i would be qualified with my application as a programmer so i can get outta here and start all over again. i will be aware not to establish any deep friendship and crap so i won't have to compose another poem regarding what i am feeling and what i felt with people. how i wish...... i can't just resign and walk away from this company because my family will suffer and that's too bad. i was just wondering why that person decided to contact me. i'm pretty sure that person has contact numbers of that perosn's teammates..... is that person trying to prove something out of me? huh! i won't fall for that. good thing that i have a call because i do believe that person would boast again that perosn's ego.... i don't want that to happen. i just realized that since monday i keep receiving calls... very odd and unusual. the first call was from ethel, then from an ex co employee, then from an agency, and lastly this apathetic crap specie.

well i would still acknowledge that person, i will still help that person if that person realized that that person needs my help. but, it will never be the same as before, because basically, i don't care anymore. i'm avoiding that person and i'm really trying to recover from these pain and suffering which is a pleasure for him, i guess..... i'm really confused now with the situation and with his attitude. it's killing me slowly.

you know what, i've been thinking about compromising and dropping off this grudge to fish. i just wanted to make ammends now so i can work smoothly and that tl would not have to say anything fabout me. but i just can't manage to be in good terms with that guy. i feel guilty and i really freaking hate what he did and especially his attitude. i'm intimidated. i don't know how to manage that. o well time will tell.

i'm just wondering about things that are going on in mylife now for this week. i keep getting some good news and i'm pretty sad what could possibly go wrong. i do believe that everything nice that is going on now will have an opposite outcome.

i just finished creating another poem and i've already posted it in my blog. another masterpiece created.

i just took my lunch at mcdo with ferdie and we did not have enough conversation for some reason but though we had fun. i'll be coached again for some reason by tl and i don't know what that is. i don't know if it is whether with the failure i did during a call because of that stupid laptop. so irritating, oh my god! anyway, just make sure it's a good news, no more bad news or else i'll freak out.........

well good news, i got a new recording and i got an A- for the first time, audited by tl. and also i received a coaching log regarding that stupid laptop. ok, at least i just have to wait for 4 audits to pass the quality gate 3 and i will be regularized. whew! o well, life goes on. just to inform you, that person is absent and i'm not worried about it and i don't care. i'm just irritated seeing this fish, the reason why i don't want to sit here. that's why i'm isolating myself to live my life. i don't want to get pissed off everyday of my life because of fish. well, i'm trying to drop this grudge, but still i can't really manage to fully drop it.

it's 4:35 am and i only have an hour and 30 minutes and counting until the shift ends. well i'm going to sleep immediately because i did not have enough sleep earlier. o well got to park my hands now and see you later peanut butter.....


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