Tuesday, March 14, 2006

fortunate enough!

i'hi we meet again, well basically, i'm not in a mood today. i don't know why. i need to go to work because i have to. if i did not go to work today well everything's gonna be bad when it comes to pay day. as of the moment i am trying to open up my tools, and darn it, internet is not available for the moment and it's 10 minutes before i log in and take calls. how am i suppose to work? they should do something about this now! well i will not take in calls if there are no tools. hopefully the main tool will not work also so that we are not going to take in calls. i don't really want to take in calls if tools are not available. i'm serious. i do believe clients will get mad and stuff because the systems are down and updating, as if it's updating, they are not the ones that are taking in calls. i will protest. bad thing about this also is if it is queueing. that's pretty way too damn bad. finally, my tools are up so i don't have to refresh my phone just to not get a damn call. but basically, don't let it happen that during a call, my tools will die. that's really, really bad. i'm telling you. i do have to release that call if that happeneds, just kidding, i'm going to freak out. now this if final, finally, the other tool just opened up and it is available. ok i'm ready to take in calls, but just don't freaking let it happen that in the middle of something it's not going to work. i'm really going to freak out.

moving on, i'm again at the end of the cluster, well i do have a reason that the internet is not working there. now if she'll misinterpret things again, assume things, well, that's her prerogative, i don't care. as long as i know in me that i'm telling the truth that the station is not working. ferdie just received a call, so i do believe i'm next. ok i will just prepare myself. talk to you later.....

i just managed to call her tl instead of precious, well, i do believe that that's what she wants me to call her insteasd of her name, or else. well i smile and stuff to others but when it comes to them, a big no no, good luck! i don't feel like talking to them because they suck as much as i suck, but i do believe i suck the most. anyway, as long as i have rex, that will be alright. at least he's there an i'm here and he appreciates my presence. hopefully, he appreciates me, not just because he does not have anyone in or on his side. i don't want to be jsut another friend just to catch his ego just like, you know..... moving on, i'm not really sure what will happen later or tomorrow or whatever. i'm not looking forward to talk with her and ask how i was and shit. just leave me alone. if she's gonna coach me, well just make sure it's work not personal crap. i don't want to talk about it coz i'll never, ever care about it anymore. i will not speak anymore. if she wanted to know stuff, well ask anyone else not me. whatever force she'll take, well my mouth still sealed and all. sorry! well you guys have fun, don't mind about me, i'm unworthy. you should not waste time with unworthy people because it'll hinder your growth, causing, growth gap. that's too bad. it's 9:40pm, still waiting for a call and i do believ ethat later on will be queueing, or tomorrow night. well that's life, as long as i have my own life, that will be better.

well i have approached her and asked for a certain code that i need, and she is acting like she wants to kill me deep inside. well i don't care. i would let her feel that, and i don't want her to worry about things that i might say onto others about her. i'm notlike that. actually the bad person here is me, actually naughty. so it's all my fault what have become between us. o well, life suck! as well as myself. ferdie is not in a mood right now, so i told him that i'm not in a mood too because of those people. then he said that he will wait for me to take my lucnh because he will be a workforce later. how lucky and gratefully he is. unlike me, just another pathetic, unworthy irritating crap. anyway, i wonder what wuold happen if i jump over these windows? i think that's fun. i do believe that's fun. at least everything will end to me. i envy others here, i hope i also have the lifestyle and the way of their living their lives, do you know what i mean? i wish i also have the thngs they have and that they are experiencing. unlike myself, i'm just stuck in a cage with no doors at all to open. no keys, padlocks or even holes for me to fit in. too bad ei. well once told me, patience is a virtue. well id o believe that i'm losing my patience and i feel like i could die just right now to better end things. i can't really take this anymore.

well tomorrow is my schedule to be a floor walker, and i don't know if that's automatic that i should go on assigned. well i think i need to automatically go on assign and never ever sit on that station. i will never mingle with her i will just go round and round at our station just to check on the agents here and kick their asses....joke.... well i will not talk to her about how they were, how was the vacation and all. i just don't care at all. i would just mingle with new agents here and ferdie and that's it.

you know what makes me feel alive right now, is looking at the pricelist of computer hardware that i am planning to purchase. i really hope that i would be able to manage to buy me that part so i would feel so alive and stuff. *sigh* i'm down on my hands and knees and shout on to the heavens on high that i will have that hardware sooner or later. wahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! how i wish! just don't let me down on pay day this wednesday, or else..... i'm really going to freak out and start killing my old pathetic self. that's too bad. i'm just really hoping it would reach about 11K so i can immediately buy that freaking, freak hardware without letting my mom know. mwahahahahahaha! too naughty but i guess it's about time for me to be able to do things that i want and i earn it anyway.

for crying out loud, plaese give this chance for me to be happy and content somehow. please i'm begging you!

well i just took my lunch without ferdie, basically my lunch was deferred because of the queue. i hate it and i'm pissed off. i just wsh that i died just right now in this very moment. i'm irritated of all these things that are happening to me. people are talking about their pay, their gimmicks and stuff, and i'm just quiet and wondering things what could possibly go wrong and what will happen when i come home. what will do when i come home and stuff. i just hate it. wishing tat i could fly high. i really hope that mom and the rest would fly to US and so i could liv here alone and find myself. i am hoping that dad has the opprtunity to bring with him 3 of his family in the states. it'll be ok if i am left here so i could somehow feel being independent and all. i wanted to feel the luxuries in this place alone and that for me to find myself. i really would like to make my own money and use it the way i want it to. and also not worried about people who i should support financially, unlike as of now. i continuously have a lot of problems and i really hate it. one of the reason maybe why i don't get fat at all. i really want to get out of this messed up place but when i get out of this messed up place, another problem i have to face when i come home. too bad for me. too bad. hopefully things will be better and ok one of these days. *sigh* i am so tired and sick and ill of these. i keep on saying things like these but there's no progress and no change at all. i feel like i'll be like this forever. i am hating it. i could feeli lik e i could just die. if only i am granted one wish, i wanted to be rich, so everything will be handy and possible for the family. i would not be worried anymore. the only problem in our family is money. could not do much because we don't have money, what i am earning is not enough and so i have to get used to it for now until we all succeed. it's because of my sisters. if it weren;t for their immaturity, well things could have been dandy. i woul dnot have to suffer. i could have earned money and had someone to love on my own. basically things are worse than i thought. if only i have the eagerness to just leave them behind, i believe i will be ok. but i'm not like that. i do pity them and i would like them to feel successful so things will be good for them and for their family now. o well, i just have to be patient and have to take all of these sufferings because it's on my face and there's nothing i can do about it but just to find a way to clean it up and go away on it's own. if ever things gone worse, i don't know, i guess i just have to get used with it and live with it coz that's destiny i guess. there's nothing i can do to manipualte things. but i will not allow these things to happen to me when i am 25 years old coz this is too much. i have my own life to live and so are they. so give it to me and don't hinder me from grabbing my own life.

guess what, there's another team building that will be held next, next week. damn it. i thought it was the last time. i don't want to come. a big no, no. is there any excuse that i could think of, probably? i'm not really sure and i'm pretty scared about that. i don't want to make excuses again. imagine i have to lie on my mom and to the team, that's so bad. o well, bahala na si batman. hopefully it'll be alright.......

o well it's 5:20 am and i still have 40 minutes til i get out of this messed up place. lucky for fish that he has a lot of assign time than taking in calls, that prick!



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