Thursday, March 09, 2006

uscks big time!

it's 8:42pm, and i'm here at work and waiting perhaps for any happenings that could go wrong. well i just found out several flaws and cheating that seagate has been doing the reason for a success growth for him. well basically i'm not going to follow that path because as far as i know the path he is taking is for losers. too bad if you're going to follow that path. hopefully, he would pass the exam he took last monday so that somehow no more challenger in my life. i'm not into competition because i do believe if i'm into a competition, i already know where i stand, a loser. as much as possible the competitor would just go away so i will live my life smoothly and lovely shall i say. well basically tl talked to me regarding the task i did yesterday and i said that i enjoyed it a lot and it so lovely. her feedback was i'm a fast learner and stuff and that's a good feedback and i'm waiting for the diversed feedback but thankfully there's none. good thing. then had this jokes and stuff for the moment with ferdie.

tomorrow will be a big day again for me and hopefully things will be better. how i wish she'll notice that i'm good and that i really deserve to be a floorwalker. i told tl that i did not feel tired and in fact i've enjoyed it a lot. hopefully the other fw that will be assigned for today is absent so i can be a floor walker again, mwahahahahahaha! please!

one of our teammates is absent and was confined in a hospital for some illness he is feeling. well god speed and wishing him to get well soon. too bad that in this company a lot of people are getting sick and being confined in an hospital. it's 9:09 and i'm still waiting for a call. so far no calls yet. i just updated my signature on my email. this will hit seagate when he reads it. he's a so called cheater loser. you'll never get away with that unless nno one really knows your tactics. deep inside his freaking heart, it's enbedded and that's too bad. enough of the trash talk, lets go on with my life.

well when i arrived home a while ago after my shift, i went to sleep immediately and did not eat breakfast meall. well basically no food and that i really feel so tired. i don't know if it is regarding the task that was given to me yesterday. but i believe not. now as of the day, seagate is assigned again as an fw and it's freaking me out inside of me. when will she assign me again, except tomorrow. because i'm feeling so small now and i feel like i'm incompetent. that's not the case but it's letting me feel that way.

by the way i have downloaded 3 new mp3s from jason mraz and they're not that convincing but at least i have a new collection. i have realized that having a lot of collections it's hard and difficult to select which one is good to listen with. i'm thinking of a certain tactic to do to identify each collection is good to listen with. hmmmmmm..... any ideas? i have updated my mp3 cd with new songs and it reached 194 songs. i thought it would only reach up to 186, but i guess when i changed the bitrate of some mp3s it shortens the file size and so i was able to add more songs, good thing ei?

right now i'm sitting beside our new team mate, richelle, she is good and very subtle. i like her presence and not jjust to show something to her but just to make her feel that i'm good companion. well it'll show someday, somehow, i don't know. right now as of the moment the seagate is right behind me and wondering what i am typoing. and so what as he can see on the window it says blog. so definitely he knows what it is. then tl arrived and i accidentally took a glance at her and then swayed my eyes away from her.

well i have decided to install a file sharing application on my computer and unfortunately it could not connect to the server because i believe it is fireqwalled big time. too bad. o well i'll kepp trying and see if it'll connect somehow so i can download a freaking mp3 while i'm at work. i know it is prohibited but there's no hurt in trying. i have recently updated the video i incorporated with my friendster account and i've watched the mtv and it sucks big time. it really sucks because the video is too simple. but at least i was able to update it, for a new change. i'm currently in short break and waiting for my rocket to come. i don't know what i mean with that but for sure what i mean is waiting for anything that could possibly go wrong. or what would happen big time. i just can't wait to go home again. i'm fed up with this job but i need the job and i need to eearn because my famiily is looking forward to it.

ok basically i took a glance on the iced tea vendo because iced tea has never been available since yesterday. then suddently tl asked me if i have a question. i answered no. i did not explain further. well i'm lazy to talk because i'm 100% stupid. time flies so slow today. i wonder why? very unsusual and it's killing me now.

it's 12:11 of march 9 and i just can't wait to take my lunch.

well i just took my lunchg and i had it with ferdie. well we did not talk much about certain things because he keeps changing the topic and i told him that and so he kid around. o well too much of it and i need to change course....

team building will really take in place and with that i'mm not really sure if i'm going to go. i'm not really happy to be in that place for some reason. rex told me to come with him to his place and help him with something and i decided to cancel my invitation. i'll just make excuses. i have to make a good excuse and should it be convincing that they won't feel bad about it. but i guess they won't feel bad coz i'm not somebody important or i'm not a vipp, duh!

anyway it will be my floor walking day tomorrow. and looking forward to it. o well, too bad that it'll be just 4 hours and i think it is not enough. o well, i should be thankful for that anyway.



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