Tuesday, October 24, 2006


O well, a lot of things had happened for the past few months. Well you

have already know that i was promoted as an RTA at SIEMENS. I am

regularized this OCT 4 2006. Basically there are no documentations yet

regarding that due to some problems at work with the management.

Anyway, Just last 2 weeks ago, my mom had been feeling different with

her health. at first we thought it was just UTI which was healed after

a week. then something else came up. She actually feels some discomfort

at the lower right part of her back. So just this Monday, Oct 23, 2006.

we have admitted/ confined her in the hospital because she cannot really tolerate the pain she felt. That was the time when we went back to the hospital to check on the results of her lab tests and there were no problems at all with her kidney but the people who diagnosed her in the ultrasound department saw something in her kidney. Fortunately there were no stones found but just complications. I was relieved because at least there are no operations going to take place in regards to the stones. I'm still optimistic that the complications she has in her kidney can be cured by just taking in antibiotics. Basically yesterday, my sister informed me that she, my mom, was given an antibiotics and it actually subsided the pain she feels. I was really happy and at least she feels ok now. In addition, during that day, me and my sister was in a misunderstanding, crap, due to what i have texted her. Ok, to be specific and more detailed on what happenedm, I'll write it down.... ok ready?... here goes.... Last Thursday, My mom asked her, my sister, to accompany her to the hospital for check up. I was the one who messaged her about their schedule to go to the doctor last wed night. then thursday morining, when my mom was all set and prepared and just waiting for her to pick her up, she called and said that she could not accompany her because my sister will go to QUIAPO to buy her daughter costumes and crap. Normally, my mom will be shocked and she would raise her voice because she's expecting to go to the doctor early as planned and that she really wanted to know what is her sickness. So during that conversation that my mom was talking to her with raising her voice to my sister, my sister dropped the phone. My mom told me and that i was there, i witnessed it. my sister did not even consider how my mom feels

and that she did not even consider what my mom is suffering to. So i

have decided to accompany my mom instead, then after a few hours she

came and accompanied my mom. so i tried to just let go of that

scenario. Then the next day which is friday, she went to subic just to

have fun and all..... you'll see how inconsiderate she is.... Me and

our elder sister has work and my 4th sister, does not have work and

she's still studying,and it's their sembreak. So i was really pissed

off to her and really hated her.... So sunday night, she texted me and

my mom saying that she's already here in manila and she will accompany

my mom to the hospital. well i just replied "bahala ka. alis kami ng

8am". then she replied and freaked out and even cursed me. So I replied

again that there were no statements that i have texted to her

disrespectful and that i don't even have exclamation points on it. and

so the marathon goes.... I even told this story to my sisters. they

were a bit angry to her because of what she is trying to prioritize,

the play of her daughter and having fun in Subic....My sister even told

me that we should understand her because she's also have things to

do/manage. but my point is, we all have our own lives, so don't she

even dare to say that to me..... She did not even consider what mom did

to her during those days she left and made some mistakes in her life

which she carries until now. she did not even consider the sufferings

and the paths that my mom took just to protect her, take care of her

during those mistakes she did.... anyway so much of it all, i'm really

sick and tired of this thing. just today were ok.... well just

yesterday i cried when i told all the emotions i feel inside about my

sister when i told that to my eldest sister. my office mate noticed and

asked me why. but i told her that i'm just ok and all basically i had a

chat with my sister in the office using IM. I was overwhelmed with the

warmth of my officemate's care.

I was just wondering of all the things happening i just can't

understand why this is happening. but i'm still hoping that everything

will just be fine....

Tomorrow first thing in the morning i will fix some documentations for

the health card that i have for my mom so we won't have problems

financially after her stay there. Hopefully she'll be sent home on

thursday, so i pray.....


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