Tuesday, December 28, 2004

christmas vacation

ok well this past few days i've been hangin around the house with my family. spend christmas with them but i just slept because i did not feel so well. so all of them are downstairs and they've been calling me to open up presents but i just ignored them.

so the next day, they've scolded me because i did not even celebrated christmas with them because i'm not feeling well. hopefully that i could spend christmas with them next year 2005.

i was absent yesterday because i have an influenza these days. until now i feel sick and now i don't have a voice. grrrr. ok so how am i going to talk to the clients with this kind of voice. god speed!

ok so yesterday i went to our cousin to get the package sent from my dad and sister from the states. i've received a jacket (i pretty like it!) a twisted nail puzzle (starting to work on it on how to separate those.) well it was my first time to go to glorietta 3. which is a very clean and very organized city of makati. the ambiance is so good and good to hang out with friends, colleagues and stuff.

well tomorrow or on the other day, my gandma will come over to our house. which i don't want to. if you ask? well because she makes things complicated. she also will tell stories to her beloved stupid children about what's happening to us there at home. she's an "inrigera" typo. i don't like that and yet we're having a conflict with this TERESITA BURAOT SHIT HEAD! hopefully she would realize everything that i've said is true also what my sister called her, SWINDLER! sana kunin ka na ni satanas!

i don't want to interact with them no more. even with their children and stuff why?, if you ask. because they all suck and they can't be trusted for the rest of my freaking life. they all are pain in the ass, neck and everything, SALOT!

well our new year's vacation is longer. because we're gonna be having a vacation until jan 3. that would be fun. we'll be back her on the third day of our work. that's an experience! i love it. i hope that this will be much fun than christmas. and my christmas and new year's wish is for TERESITA BURAOT SHIT HEAD to sign the thing so everything will be done. she could also hear all of the bad things from my mouth until he attempts to kill herself again. i won't regret that. never. until her dying days. it's good for her. she desrves it anyways. huh! good luck!

Thursday, December 23, 2004


ok this is the last day of our shift. what a day. well we had our recognition event ahile agao around 5 am to 7. so we had our fun. we've shared stories, l;aughters and opinions about certain things. well we were all shocked when one of our colleague won as the team player in the team. well because, if you ask. we did not even had our votes. we did not even agreed that he will be the team player and we all much preferred on of our team mate to be the team player awardee. so i began to tell them that it's not reasonable. is it the money? the reason why he was the team player awardee. what a liar and what a big MAKAPAL ANG MUKHA! so while that was the issue and will be the issue. we beagan to joke something about the ham. i even started to tell everybody in a joke way to give me his ham so we can eat it, but deep inside of me it's like, or subconciously you're not the team player you FISH (Fucking Idiotic Shit Head). he's so selfish and he's like a corrupt person that i know. or shall i say one of the corrupt people i know. i even told others, even if our TL decided him to be the awardee he should asked all of us to make him the team player awardee. isn't it that they both have their own team. duh! aren't we considered as the part of the team? well screw them both, before i like them both like i have the biggest respect on them, but as long as the team get stronger, they both sucked. they both begins to be a sucker, asshole and a scumbag. well wishing them the best that they could have more success in life and that people would love to love them.

well right now i don't like them both no more. i don't have a trust for them anymore. they'll see. everything has it's reaction. shall i say, KARMA! well good luck for the both of them.

on the other hand, igave empanada to one of my friends here. it's the best person that i've met. hope that she likes it. and i hope that she would realize how much i care for her. but since that stupid colleague is trying to get close to her. well god speed!

anyways see you next week. well i'll be back on sunday here at the office. or i guess monday because it's holiday in the states. well god speed.)


ok so today dart is down and dellserv because our network is down. don't know why, if you ask me. well, it's good and i'm able to play sonic 3 using knuckles by the way he's pretty much harder to use than sonic. i like knuckles' move and flying act but if your not used to it, well good luck! i was able to by pass the first zone but next zone i could not even get out of those elesi. don't know where i'm going. i forgot how i by passed that zone. anyways i'll try it again later. sad thing is, there's no save option for this sonic and knucles version. ok i gotta try to finish it. since i had finished the previous one. well i was playing sonic 3. got the 6 zones finished and went to the sonic and knuckle's zone which is the continuation of the sonic 3. so i can save the zones that i did not finished. ok and now i've finished it last night at home. i was able to breathe so deep and thank god i've finished it. well sad to say that i did not get the last act which is hidden. the Dooms Day Zone. which you can continue if you get at least one of the chaos emeralds from the bonus rounds. well i could not get them because it's very hard like i think you need 1001 practice.

well after i had finished this game. i'm trying to download another game which is sonic 2. i haven't finished it yet. but i was able to see the ending of that when i used the cheats. so i don't die i become super sonic and if i'm dying i change or turn into a coin so that i can still continue the game. so if i found that the game is so so hard. i by pass the game and skip to the next one. now i'm trying to to download that so i can play it without cheats and stuff. but the problem with that also is it dies not have any save options. (sigh) well i'm gonna play that still.

sonic is a very fun game compared to mario brothers. because in sonic you have a chance to live as long as you have rings if ever you've been hit by an enemy or spikes or traps.

so far i'm quite bored and worried because it's 830 am and still nothing done. i hope that the time stops. if only i have a place to go, a dude to be with or money so i can buy stuff that i want. i'm really deathly craving for the new computer. well because i want a faster computer and that for me not to experience slowness of the computer at home. if only i was given a chance to have a good computer. either given to me or i've won it as a prize, then i would be complete. mwahahahaha!. as if that will happen (DREAM ON!)

Tuesday, December 21, 2004


ok time for me to create some blogs. well haven't been happy for this months that passed by. well i thought i was very happy. well the person who i thought that would be nice, good to be with, and stuff, was too much for my happy ending. well, for some reason he reacted on me very uhm...foul i guess? it hurt me so much. so that was since yesterday when that happened. ok who cares? no one cares even the care bears don't care even if they do, i don't care! so today i don't even look at him or even talking to him on every thing that he comments. i don't know if he noticed but i don't care. well if he reacted to me like that yesterday like slap me on my face. well i guess he should talk to me and get to the point why i'm not talking to him or whatsoever. ok fine he seems to be bright, smart, intelligent, wise and matured enough. and i'm not. so what! yeah i'm a walking mistake. so kill me!
i just hated it. everytime people hates me or gives reaction that is so foul. it makes me sick and it makes me feel pathetic and it also begins to pity myself. o well that would be enough i guess i'll just go on with my life on my own. on my own, on my own what the fuck!.

well this past few days i'm able to go to a certain website where it could translate english to spanish and vice versa. so i started to learn a lot of spanish terms, but the problem is how to say or pronounce those words, because of the vowels on the end. i'm not pretty sure how to pronounce it even the accent. o well sooner or later i'll be able to learn and memorize those words little by little or bit by bit for fun. god speed to me!

well also this past few days i'm playing sonic 3 and knuckles. i'm almost done but the 2nd boss is so very deeply hard. i can't put my hits timingly so i die. i have a walkthrough but it's not specifically saying where i should be positioned. and also i could not understand what it instructs me because of the grammars are soooooooo incorrect so you would not really understand. well sooner or later i'll master this part of sonic and god speed again to me for this game!

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

pay day!

ok so to day is nother day. it's pay day!i'm so excited, like i'll be able to buy an hdd and an eclosure so i can transfer large files easily to my computer.

well i'm a bit nervous, because what if mommy would get mad because i bought this device and it's not that important. it will also tell me that i should have not bought this because it's not important. last night she told me about sugar's tuition and stuff. what can i do. i want to buy something that i wanted. it's been a year and 4 months of working and i haven't bought anything just for me. i'm also thinking that it's my money. i can do whatever i want. but i don't want anything to hear something from them. i'm so freaking scared. if i consulted some of my friends especially the closer one. it'll tell me that i should not be bothered because it's my money. they would even tell me that you're working and so you have the power to spend the money on your expense. it's not their business. well i really love my mom. i'm also working for my mother. i want to give my mom the best, which my dad did not even attempt to achieve in his life. i just really wanted my mom to be happy. somehow she's enjoying her life. i pity her because ever since my dad married her. he did not even bother to make my mom happy, but he only makes his own life happy like doing, concubinage, helping other people instead of helping his family first.
any ways i don't really want to put up this topic anymore because it's been years since they are separated.

well i'm pissed because i have a fucking training later starting o 2:30 pm after my shift. i wanna go home man! this is ridiculous. i can't bear this shit. o well i should attend that or else i'm dead.

well finally i decided that i will buy that shit later. no matter what happen later. come what may. i decided also to buy a calendar worth 110 bucks. which is reasonable, because it's not made of paper but made of cloth. so it'll be water proof. i placed my mom's name and my young sister's name. well for us to have a calendar at home and also to have a remembrance. for me it'll be special.

well i'm thinking about tomorrow. what will happen. i don't want it to be the same old story. i don't want a same thing on a brand new day. i want it unique, different, worth living and to die for.

it's been weeks since i haven't spoken to my friend. i don't know but i think it's because of the blog that she had created that made me sad, mad, and pissed. i don't know if i have to talk to her. right now i'm attempting to call her. but suddenly while i'm typing they've arrived and she walked out when he finally knew that i have a blog. so ok i lied to her that i just created it today because i've been idle and stuff. so i went down to their station with them and showed her all my pictures at phot bucket websites. she was amazed with my sonic the hedgehog animated pictures. so she begun to ask me if i put them on my blog. i told her again a lie that i don't. o well. gotta go now cause i have a training to attend. god speed!

ok gotta a minute here to continue this darn blog. well they said that we have a training exactly at 2:30 so i did not even attempt to smoke before i go to the training room. and yet no one arrived yet. so here we stated the training with me alone. yes! alone. good thing that the trainer is good and explains the topic clearly. o well done with the exam. i'll go ahead and leave. ciao!

Tuesday, December 14, 2004


hi it's been days since i've created a blog. well for the past few days, i've been mingling and having fun with the other colleagues. just small things we used to put in a joke and also funny things people make mistakes or shall i say people's mistakes are being held up to make fun. whatever! ok remember the log that i've created? can't remember when was that, but it's about my two other colleagues that are transferring to another firm. o well the 14 days that i'm tuckling with my previous blogs are finally ended now! ok i'll be damn alone.

i've these dreams that i hope i could finally find someone that would be there for me no matter what. just like the both of them. they've meet here. until they wanted to transfer to another firm they're still together. i said wow, that's a strong friendship! going back to the topic, well 14 days is done. well good luck! well earlier one of them told me that it's their last day. ok and so he borrowed my earphones to listen to my mp3s but he said to me to let me share my mp3s. i told him that i don't want to. but that's in a joke approach. then he suddenly got pissed or something, i don't know. then he returned the earphones to me with an angry manner. and so i was shocked. i told myself that is this person mad at me or angry with me. i added that, what did i do? o well so i just ignored. i even told myself why would he get mad at me after i've said to him that i don't wanna share it. is he sick or something?, i asked myself. so i begun to get sad. i told myself that it's his last day then suddenly he's mad at me. what?!!!! well as time goes by i just thought of certain things like my life, their last day here, and about spells that i've read or that i've been reading since yesterday.

well yes i'm much a prideful shithead. since i've noticed he's mad at me, well i did not mind at all and i did not even bother to tell him that i was just joking and that i'm sorry. because i've asked myself why would i say sorry to him. i did not do anything to hurt him or to humiliate him. Duh as in T-H-E, the! well i just realized, well, be by gones be by gones. they're leaving, so go ahead and leave. just remember that you are my best buddies here ever in the company. i hope you won't forget me and that you'll feel the same way, hopefully.

i would really want to wish them luck, all the best, god speed, good speed, luck in all the journeys that their gonna take.include all the blessings and everything that is good. well while i'm writing this blog i kept my senses from him because as in right now his on my back, i guess attempting to talk to me or he's just testing me if i would talk to him or whatsoever. now as in now his on the edge of our teams workstation talking to some of our colleagues and back on his workstation. i'm sorry if i'm really specifically putting it in details because i was just wondering if his gonna talk to me while i'm making this blog so i can tell you know that it's ok or whatsoever.

well right now i'm listening to my mp3 collections. which are inspirational and soothing and also, add this up, it tells something about me a bit, and it tells something what i wanted to say or shall i say all the thoughts that i had. this song is from vertical horizon, the title is echo. the best part that i like here is this....

No i don't want to be just another echo!

ok well our shift has ended. wondering what will hapen. well wish me luck take care there! gotta go.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

What the!

so as i was checking the blog of a known officemate, i've noticed that she's hanging out with him almost everyday. even during their day off. wow! can't imagine how fun it could be. but i've also noticed that they both always watch movies together.....duh if you were invited by somebody especilly a significant other to movies, what does it mean to you? of course it's like they're developing time to time. although i know she's not into relationship with men, because she's one of the boys, but duh she's still a woman that could easily fell to a man!

well it's even my fault, because i don't use to talk to her anymore. it's like i'm mad with her because of this issue. like she's not even attempting to call or text me. and this scumbag filth just steals the scene between my relationship with her. i'm afraid that both of them could developed and have each other's heart (stop that crap!)

i'm always unlucky when getting into a relationship. i used to think that i like her. i even can't stop thinking about her. so definitely i like her. i love her. i want her. o god am i a loser? don't wanna be just another echo! what shoul i do? i need to stop them. i need to get that scene back again to me. that crap will sooner loose this time .

i don't know what i should do. i can't even think what's the next step i'm gonna do! hello, echo! c'mon work for me. i need your help damn it! i need your attention please guide me for what is right and what i should do! i'm freakin' out here!

i felt like i'm beaten . well things may change. there's a will there's a way. sometimes words just can't explain.

Sunday, December 05, 2004


what a day! well last night i went to a friend because it was her birthday last friday. which i did not come becasue of an unreasonable cause . well i'm old enough, adult already to do what i know i want. just kept wondering why my mom still the one who decides whether i should leave or not. can't take this anymore. well my mom told me yesterday morning that i could go there once she got home from the mall. so i was very happy that finally she permitted me to go, but before that she's giving me an option. either i go to a friend's house or attend an office outing.

so finally she went home late and when she got home it's like she doesn't want me to go there anymore. but i insist and finally i got out of the house. told her that i'll be home around 8 pm. actually what i was thinking last night was that she only permitted me because she asked me to buy something. but i was so unsuccessful because i came home late. of course you wouldn't spend an hour to your friends house, duh! i should've not gone there if it'll just be an hour to spend time. i was very pissed off that day. then when i finally got home my mom was scolding at me, yadiyadiyada.... i almost utter that i'm old enough? i just can't stand it anymore.

so just slept immediately for this day got to go to work. i thought the ambiance here was ok, fun, exciting and everything nice. well guess what? it's not! my seatmate doesn't talk to me. did not even heard anything from him. felt like he hated me ultimately. ok so here i am, speechless, kept listening to my mp3 collections. kept sentimenting about different stuff. and finally i felt like i'm fed up! that's the scariest thing that i don't wanna feel. well why? because i think that i'm in a job that makes me happy and an easy work load. am i right? well that's for me to find out. ok then while the time passes by. my two buddies arrived. ok chit chat using an instant messenger and stuff. then invited me to grab a smoke. did not notice that our leader's gonna come and join. ok so we're four in total. take note FOUR! ok we went down for a smoke. i was speechless. did not even have the chance to join their conversation. well why? of course the leader grabbed their attention about the firm they're going to transfer. yadiyadiyada...blah blah, blah.... ok so while we're smoking, three, THREE of them are talking with my position at the back of them. first we we're a bit close at each other. then time by time they're beginning to seperate from me. well i said to myself, wow that's the niciest thing i ever experience, again! ok i started to think again that it's another sign! another freaking nerve breaking, death defying, head spining sign. i said again to myself, who cares, nobody cares, even the care bears don't care. blah blah blah blah. kept swaying away from those paranoias again. so during that smoking session for about i guess 9 minutes or more, i did not speak. did not even moved my mouth. then our leader asked me why i don't i apply in the same firm as where both of my buddies are now. well one of my buddy said that my travel is so far from home to that firm. so he begin to ask me where i live. ok yadiyadiyada. and he begin to discourage me about staying here in this firm. well mind your own freaking, damn business. which i understand why he told me that. well it's really true that the pay here is not enough compared to other new companies. who cares. i don't care.

what a pathetic, paranoid, insane, shit am i. shame on me. i just really wanted to be happy is that too much? well earlier i started to think that both of my buddies does not feel like hangin out with me. ok fine, here we go again, paranoid. i just don't wanna think about this silly thoughts. it makes me sick. why don't i just drop dead. well hoping it's not the same old thing in a brand new day!