Saturday, February 26, 2005

pure karma

o ano tahimik ka ngayon noh? well that's life. shit happeneds all the time to assholes like you! LOL buti nga sayo. well i'm so happy that you're sad, mad so bad. because you're so inconsiderate. you don't even find what my work ethics are good for the team. i don't even drag the team down, i'm not even late at all to go to work. i play fair, although some people here are telling me some bogus tactics to be number one. do you get what i mean? although what they're telling me is kinda good, still i don't do it because i don't find it challenging. it only comes uot that you're incompetence. well that's what superiors do, power trip!. if i were a supervisor i won't do that i would consider that as an excuse just don't do it again. . that's how simple it is. the matter with him is he's forcing what he think it is. he don't listen and understand people. as long as he knows you're like this. you're like that as what he thinks. stupid bastard. sometimes i don't even understand why ladies would love to love people with that kind of attitude. even the way he talks with his wife. it's so degrading and humiliating that if i were his wife i would contest about that. i'll tell him that he must not talk to me in that manner. o well that's just the way it is. that's his attitude so why bother. it's his problem and karma is just a step away. it just depends on the time when the karma steps on to him. i just wanna see him go down, down, down.....

well eventually, i'm just a simple person. i don't want extravagant things to happen unless i've painstakingly work hard enough for that because i want it. and it would give nice things or good things for me. well you know what i found myself ok for the moment. especially when i'm thinking about my termination. i regret that i'll miss one person again here in my team. before i never mind about him. but now it seems we make things better. like he understands me and i understand him. we both like having fun each time we're just gonna stare at each other. he seems nice and very accomodating. i thought i'll never find one again. unless i don't really care about others here. sometimes because i based it on the way they look like. well screw me. i really hope that everythings ok. someday...........................

guess what this bastard CESAR is looking at me while he was ltalking with his master bithc BERNARD. well i gave him a finger as if he's cool and as if everybody loves him. well compared to me people love me here in the office not close to me but once they met me they find me nice and when we pass by they greet me. unlike him. people would greet him, yeah, but with a bad feedback inside thgem. LOL get a grip monkey ass. i'm not insecured

one thing i've also noticed. whenever i ask permission to have a short break with the bastard. he don't seem to respond puntually. so who cares. well i think he's guilty about what he did to me. that what had happened to him is the rage what he did to me. well to tell you honestly, that's life, bastyard. shit really happeneds LOL.

well i took my lunch later than the team. well i don't wanna join him for the reason i don't want to be faketo them like talking to them and stuff. you know what i'm referring to. o well who cares. then we had a meeting regarding correct profiling. so i was very nervous and scared to be humiliated. but it's just the way how to profile outbound calls not dsn usage. o well that was a relief. so while on the meeting they've shown a list of people. so i thought on the list was me. i thought it was dsn usage or it's a bad thing to be on the list. but i did not find my name there so i tohought it was a good thing and i was not on the list. finally they've mentioned that the ppeople on the list was the people who uses incorrect profiling. whew! what a relief. so i guess it's a good point for me. although i had an issue with dsn usage. i'm still doing good on something. ok tha's fun. at least he would consider that i'm still working fine in this company not just playing. well screw him anyways. theproblem why the team does not make good no more is because they're doing it by the book. they want it in details. the reason the team is going down consistently. before we were number one because we're not doing it by the book.

just to save their asses, they'll make their own rules. actually what they're talking bout the IRs for people not meeting the expectation for the ,etrics, that's bullshit. they're just the one making those rules. what i think is that they're making their own rules just for them to be noticed by the stupid spawns that they're great or something. well they're not. they're still exerting much but they never succeed. you know someday, they'll realize how stupid they are. o well things are better left unsaid. as long as life goes on, life goes on, nothing more nothing less.

ok what do i want to do.... ok i want to have a lot of things to d. i want to party, drink all day, watch movies in a big screen, i want to buy a computer and play games on it, i want to know how to program anything using java and a lot of programming languages, i want to have fun with friends, crushes, and myself who cares about myself. well those are the few things i wanna do. so will i have a gut to do all this. well times will come. sooner the better, whatever!

i'm feeling solemn today. well it's because i don't know what'll happen. it's kinda like it'smixed emotions. mixed emotions in a way people would not even understand except yourself. yourself and nobody else, but god. well if only i could talk to him right now, i would ask him to forgive me, repent for all the things that i've done wrong, if ever he would give a chance for me to take me up there with him. i would ask that. well yeah, i'm still young and haven't experienced a lot of things yet, responsibil.lities and the like. yeah i know that i haven't felt any problems yet like what seniors had been experiencing seriously. well i think god has a lot of explanations for all the questions in my mind. who knows, nobody had experienced talking with god yet in the world yet except for people who just passed away i think. if only i had answers with what i want as in now. well maybe i would be content. i would not have time writing or typing these pathetic little experiences and thoughts that i had. i don't know it's because i wanna do something just to let out all the bad feelings and stupid thaoughts tat i had. yeah, it's really pathetic, damn. XD.

i want to travel somewhere. to find myself. i wanna live alone. like i'm not thinking of anybody but just my freaking self. so i could find myself. i could eventually look for myself how depth myself is. well everybody does that in their own way, but me, i don't know, i'm so i don't know. i wanna find a friend who would understand me, that would be there always for me, and not only that but also to be with that friend the same as what he is to me. what i'm thinking now are the people who i might here in the office. those were martin and darel. they seem to have a friendship that will never be apart. they both stayed together in a single unit just themselves and they both agrees on each others point of views and if they have problems and stuff. i find them a special people to me that i think god is showing me that i can be like that if only i search for somebody that would understand me and that would have mutual understandingas a friend not more than that, alrigjht.

o well so much thoughs, these are the thoughts that i have been thinking of. right now i'm listening to a song by mel c. the tile is if that were me. well i like that music and the lyrics. it's soothing, gives a little bit about me, and also about some advises. it's touching and it makes me relax, especially it makes my mind relaxed, somehow.

last time, lat thursday, i went to mitch to tell her about something, but it's kinda like it's not interesting for her. well in a sense that she changes topics and she's not making it serious. i'm not looking for a sympathy, just to share it and probably she would react on it somehow. o well i've been getting a grip but i did not grip it much longer enough. so i just went home, did not wait for her until their shift is over. ok so i said bye bye. she was worried that she's sorry if it looks like she does not want to listen. o well i'll never talk to her anymore. as long as i can get a grip on not talking to her about what had happened to me. o well just good luck on her and with larry. they seem to be ok and to fit. ok god bless on them both.

i've decided not to trust anybody but god himself and my mother and parents. so i can be healthier in mind and in feelings for anything that done me wrong. well it's 1:47 pm almost the end of my shift. i'll go straight home to relax. o well that's life. see you around.


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