Tuesday, March 21, 2006

paktay na!

"You don't often turn to someone else for advice or sympathy, even if you're really upset. As a rule, you keep your own counsel. More often than not, you pay more attention to the problems and concerns of others than you do to your own, anyway. At the moment, however, despite all your best efforts, you're worried, and wondering who to talk with about it. Rather than letting it get worse, why not get it over with now? Call your best friend or most trusted elder and let it all out."

hi i'm back and i'm already seated here at the same station, away from them. well i visited my horoscope for the day and as i posted it above. well it's really freaking true. i wonder how they were able to tell me who i really am? well, basically after the shift yesterday, or shall i say last saturday, i went home and prepared for the things that i should bring with at rex's house. thankfully my mom, allowed me to go to rex's house every saturday. it's a good experience, because i was able to build companionship with rex, my highschool friend. by the way he sent me a testimonial last friday and i was so thnakful from what he said there. he really appreciates me and that i'm the best person, i think, that he really likes as a friend. well i haven't made a testimonial for him yet. i am thinking about a good testimonial for him. i wonder if there'll comes a day where he does not want me to go to his place ever again. well it's possible that he might get fed up with my presence. i hope not because i really treasure him as a friend as well as i also value him. as what people say, people change. as what i am now, i have changed. i have changed with people who are so arrogant and annoying. well people can say that i am worthless, yeah worthless because i care about them. i just can't stand this feelings that i have in this messed up place. it's like i wanted to break free from this team and be transferred to another team so i won't see anything that would destroy my day and my personality.

well i have been talking with ferdie right now, about his success as a workforce. well i'm pretty envious at least he was able to fulfill his dreams and it was just in a knick of time. unlike me, i'm a pathetic stupid, incompetent bastard. o well that's the face and there's no way for me to deny it. guess what, tl is absent for today, mwahahahahaha! she called cy and asking if i'm already logged in, i said yes and she even called ferdie to ask if i'm already logged in again, ha! unfortunately she was not able to witness that i won't be acting as a stupid floorwalker. i think i am hearing seagate right now. all i know is that he won't come to work as tl. well i'm right, because i saw seagate and it's freaking me out and i know he will dominate again and feel free to become a tl while tl is not around. well this is a free world. he can do whatever he wanted and i don't really care at all. my goal right now is to be regularized and get the hell outta this team. so i won't have to witness the disorder that they put up here. like domination and crap. ferdie just asked me that i am a floorwalker for today. i said no. i don't want to. with a sad face and an arrogant face. well i don't care. as long as tl's not around and not witnessing what i have become and what i have decided well that's fine. i'll just give way to those peole who are too eage to become a floor walker just to get away from taking calls. pathetic little loosers. well there's always a divine justice to look over to them, in other words, they're going to get theirs. let them all have the success and happiness in life and i really won't care as long as i am not stepping on someone especially CHEATING like they're doing, or what they are doing, that will be fine.

there's no way for me to become a floor walker in this shit town. thankfully, she did not call me up because there's no way that i will have to answer te call. well i just realized that i believe the reason why she freaking called cy is because she wanted cy to tell me to take in calls while she's absent and the hell. well i don't care at all. if she wanted to tell something to me she should consult me. not anyone else i find it unprofessional. i just can't wait to get the hell outta here. right now as of the moment cy is doing the floorwalking and i would stay professional and ask permission for anything that i need to do but never, ever wanted to talk to them at all. i know it's not their fault and stuff, but i just i hate what have become. hopefully tomorrow they won't be around. well suddenly this fish, came by and talked to ferdie about workforce stuff. well i'm not looking at her and i really don't care. i'm just irritated with his presence and all. what'll i do is to stay on the call for more than 15 minutes to drag their aht down. **evil grin** well ferdie keeps on telling me that i'm a floor walker today. well i keep on telling him that i'm not. he replied that tl might get "tampo". i don't care. i told him that thre's already an fw. then he said that it's the oic that is left standing and all. hmp! so, let him do the fw. i guess that's what he wanted after all.

guess what? tl texted me and was so mad why the hell i did not do the fw thing. she also said that she does not know what my problem is. i haven't texted her back because don't have a load. i would tell her that i'm sorry and i don't have a problem and it was out of my mind that i will do the floor walking for today. i would have to lie because they suck. i am wearing all black outfit today to express that i feel so bad and black today. i feel so broken and stuff from what has been happening to this team lately about me. well a while ago while i was taking my last call as per requested before i take my lunch, i was transferring the call to CRL and then this seagate approached me and asked me if i'm doing a transfer? i wanted to tell him, what do you think. but of course i told him yes and it was disconnected during a transfer by the previous agent and there is an escalation code and so i have asked him if that is needed. thanfully it is not. so i went ahead and transfer the call. i did not like how he approached me he think like he's higher than me. he's just an oic and i don't like hiim personally. he is my mortal enemy on my list. he's a pain in the ass. i really don't like the way things are. i just don't want to talk to them and i just wanted them to leave me alone. well i would admit that i did something wrong today. i am so sorry and anyway the pain has been done. so i just have to have a coaching session with tl tomorrow, i wuld assume, and tell her what i think is right. well basically it all started with a somple joke. she got pissed off by that. i admit that i did wrong. so the reason why i'm acting so weird today. and the past few days. i would never come to the team building any longer. i would just waste my time to my friend's house. not actually waste but i would take it productive. well terence here can notice that i feel so bad. he's the only person who can notice that i'm not in a good mood. well sorry dude if you are pissed off by the way i look and the way i act. can't blame you man. just leave me alone and don't mind me.

after i took my lunch i have decided to go down stairs and smoke. unfortunately i was able to see 2 of my team mates having a smoke at the spot where i have decided to have a smoke. so i never greet them and just left and walked away that they would think i would take my lunch at a fast food chain but i just walked and pretended that i am looking for someone then went back to that place farther form where they are so they could not see me. i have pretended that i am texting someone but thinking about what i will say to tl. well good luck for me tomorrow..... i would just have to approach her and say sorry for what had happened. then go back to my original state.

o well good luck for me tomorrow. if ever things will get worst than i think it is. o well i have my explanations redy and i have myself ready and prepared. all set.

see you probably tomorrow for some freaking scary updates.



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