Tuesday, May 30, 2006

wrap up

hi, it's been day since i have posted my blog. anyway, a lot of things had happened and it's really exciting. for the past few days, i have been loving my work as an RTA. well there was an instance where i went home next day, because it was raining so hard. i have managed to somehow do multitaksing job as an RTA. now i know basically the dos and donts for an RTA. i hope that i will be absorbed as RTA next time they would be needing another RTA. so far when i have asked them about their feedback for me, they said that i am a cool company and they are also having fun when i'm there, just like ferdie when he was a project based RTA. hopefully they would consider me as this is my goal and i really don't want to end up as an agent for the rest of my fucking life. i don't really care about the pay, for me it's reasonab,e and as long as i'm not taking in calls that is fine. honestly, i enjoy my job and i really discipline myself. i don't really do non related work and as i have noticed people even agents liked me because i am so courteous and polite and nice to them. sometimes i feel like i'm arrogant. hopefully, i will be considered.

well yesterday, i feel so ashamed with olive, because she definitely asked a favor for me and it's about my smoking habits. i apologized to her, i know she's pregnant and very sensitive with things she can smell. i hope she won't see me as a hard headed monster, you know what i mean. i hope it won't hinder my application. i hope i won't experience what jayjay had experienced. by the way, their reason why they did not shoose jayjay is because of his arrogance and he even manage to know things more than they know which really annoys anyone. in other words, nagmamarunong.... so far one of the RTAs mentioned that why jayjay was not chosen and it is because i have asked them about that. so far they said that they haven't seen that to me and they find me good. i don't know whether that's true or not

someday, somehow, i will be better. well so far everythings nice and comfy and i just wanted to break free from my past lives. what i mean to say is i want to move on but not get over it. let it be my guidance to the next phase to move on. sometimes i feel like what i'm doing is not enough i feel like i wanted to become ferdie for him to get so lucky with his life. as you can see, whatever things he would really endeavor, he will get it because of his personality and people likes him and he can get along with people, and actually he knows hot to get along with people that's why he's been liked and all. i admire him and i hope, he'll be there for me as a friend because i treasure him and i value him as well as ron. o well, so much to say.....

when i become a workforce, full time, i guess things will be quite easier for me and i would feel like i am contented with my life. it's because of the work load. o well it's almost 4 and i got to wrap this up. CIAO!

Friday, May 26, 2006

what happened?

hi there. well i got time to update my blog for today. well al lot of things had happened and it was so good. i feel so excited everytime the day passes by. i am excited to go to work. i'm loving it really. one time olive asked me to email her regarding the things that i have learned and what i want to learn. i have meailed her yesterday and she had read it and sent me an email and read it. i t was a warm reply. i feel so happy about the feedback she has. i just want to read it over and over because i feel so good about her geedback to me. well she said that she admires my willingness to learn, she also suggested to me to master all the things that i have learned before they would expose me to other tools being used by RTAs. then on her closing, she indicated that she thanks me for a good job. ain't that nice? i hope she would someday absorb me as an RTA. so that at least i won't have to worry about my life here. i hope i won't turn out just like jj. i've heard from a little bird that the reason why they did not hire jj, is because of his attitude. i hope that they would hire me and they would say that i am a cool person and nice. i would really try to treat them out or just bring food just to build rapport and also to be close to them and that they would feel that i should be hired.

i really want to have a new career change and i don't want to end up as a pathetic phone junkie. i believe in myself that if i am a full time workforce, i would always be excited to do my job. as of the moment earlier i went to the workforce area and checked that karla is the one left there. at first i thought she was mavs, so i have told her what had happened last night. she said that it was ok. so i feel calm. then she asked me if it's ok for me to monitor since she had not taken her lunch break yet. i told her that sure no problem i can go ahead and monitor while she's taking her lunch break. then she told me to file it as an OT. i told her that it's ok i don't mind, i don't have anything to do and i would really love to so that i will be or i'll get used to this task and also to enhance what i have learned.

then when she came back, she thnaked me and asked me to take in calls if i have to. i told her that i have taken calls yesterday and did some recordings. i even told her that it's ok if i would stay here and help her since mavs not around. she said that she will call me if she would need me earlier but at 4pm i will go there. speaking of the time i will be starting to do RTA tasks later. I just remembered that Karla will be here until 4pm, if i'm taking my lunch for 4 pm, then no RTA will be there to monitor agents.

anyway, i have maanged to inform karla that i will take my lunch early since there will be no RTA left after 4pm. I was able to convince her, thankfully. I took my lunch with ron and talked about stuff and all. well, talk to you later. ciao!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

calls?!!!!!!! arrrrgggggghhhhh

hi good day. guess what, i was asked to take in calls. i just hate it. they could have given me a task in workforce so i won't be pathetic looking shit head here. anyway, it's alright, i have to take in calls until 4pm, i just can't wait to get the hell out of this ops area. anyway, i have been talking to one of the new agents here and will barge on my call. sad to say, i have been waiting for a call for about an hour and 23 minutes and no call has been received. i just can't wait for 4 pm so i can take my freaking lunch and then go to the workforce area until 10. i just hate it when they told me to take in calls first. it's so sad it was like destructive for me. anyway, what else can i do about it, but just to obey what they say. hopefully things would be somehow better. i hope mavs would call me or karla would call em and say, to proceed to the workforce area. that will be lovely. i hope tomorrow i won't have to take in calls on the first hour or first half of my shift because i really hate that.

i hope they would absorb me as an rta, fulltime so i don't have to prepare my tools and stuff, it's really frustrating and devastating for me. i wonder what went wrong last night the reason for me to deserve this kind of task. anyway, hopefully i won't be experiencing things just what had happened to jayjay, and also i won't be like jayjay when it comes to attitude. i really would like to stay in the workforce area so i would learn more about the reports they are all doing and stuff. o well, what a life. all i can do now is just to be patient and also to obey their requests. for the team punk'd i am the only ones left and it's really humiliating for me to be here. i don't know why but that's what i am feeling as of the moment. well good thing that i have my lunch with me and i have to take it at 4pm not 4:30, based on my schedule i would have to take it at 4:30 pm but they told me to take it at 4pm then suddenly richard came back ad so i have to pause for the meantme. Then i called wf to ask permission to take a bio break and mavs asked me if what time will i be going there. i said 4pm. I told richard that mavs might be thinking why did they ask me to take in calls. and that i guess she misses me, mwahahahahahaha! o well, it's almost 3pm and one more hour to go before i get the hell outta here.

what else can i do today? o well i'm just a bitweary about my status. by the way when karla asked me what tym should i be taking in calls, olive mentioned that i should take in calls first. so i'm a bit quandary about my status as a project based RTA. hopefully they won't be denying me one of these days. that will be a major devastation for me. time really flies so slow especially if you're wainting for it. the reason for me to wait for the time is because i'm so excited to do tasks in the workforce area. it's really the line of work i'm interested with. hopefully this will be my time to shine. i really don't want to take in calls anymore. i'm also planning to bring food here as what olive requested when i brought mp3s and all. so somehow she will be highly interested in absorbing me as a full time RTA.

i also wanted them to taste the food that will be cooked by my mom. i still have an hour and 3 minutes before i take my lunch and proceed to the workforce area. this is actually freaking me out inside because i am excited to go to work, but then they would ask me to take in calls. that's frustrating for me and disappointing. i know i'm just a project based RTA, so i'm half RTA and agent and so i still need to do both tasks, but i think it is inappropriate. i don't know, that's what i feel. i hope they would understand if ever they would read this. o well, life is ever so strange, so darn full of change. but that's real life anyway. as of the moment i'm also thinking of something that i can do to kill time. so far i'm so sad feeling bad about what happened anyway i'll just move on and be patient.


Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Well, basically for the past few days, i was alerady starting my training as a workforce. It started last monday, and still on going. A lot of things has been taught to me. Last Monday, May 15, after taking my lunch i went to the workforce station and was trained by one of the newly hired workforce, externally. Her name is Mavelyn Pascual, also known as Mavs. She's nice, sweet, refined, professional and most of all lovely. She does not show any discrimination or level of work towards me. (that's nice). Anyway, I've learned a lot of things in line to that work. Then on Thursday, May 18, I went there again to have another training after my lunch and sadly, Mavs is having her day off. Karla who is the original RTA who should have trained me last monday of may 15, was the one who trained me about computing all the stats. Then that day, I was also trained how to access CCPULSE and all other tools being used. Then the next day, continued with monitoring and creating reports, as i help Mavs. Then Saturday, Ferdie pulled me out early, to help him since he's the only once left that shift. Then Sunday, Karl advised me to go ahead and stay there until the end of my shift. That's also the day, where we'll be having a down time. So i stayed longer there, because i wanted to help mavs and also learn more about the things to do if ever we're having difficulties during downtime. Well i have learned a lot and enjoying it. Monday, May 22, I have a new schedule, and it's 1pm to 10pm. i have the whole day to be the workforce and i just freaking loving it. Mavs taught me again a new reproting tool to use to update things. They also taught me how to update other things. Then Tess arrived, we were both open about things, people that surrounds us. Good thing is, karl and tess liked me the way i get along with them and all the time i try to say something to joke, they would laugh. Hopefully they would have a good feedback for me. i really hope that i would be hired as a full time workforce. I just can't wait for tomorrow, so i can start and work again and catch people who are so called "pasaway". BTW i really am enjoying this job.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

may 20, 2006

May 20, 2006

hi there, well, i was so excited yesterday because my schedule has changed and it will be 1pm to 10 pm and i will be a full time rta. then today ferdie went to the gas chamber and asked me to pull me out at 7am because he does not have any company at that time. told him of course i will accompany him as long as he tell that to tl kelly. so i will be taking a call for 2 hours and then at 7 am things will be better. i really hope that i will be hired as a workforce just like ferdie so that at least i have a new line of work. i don't want to end up as a pathetic phone junkie all through my life. i have managed to update the reports and somehow monitor who would want to take their breaks and stuff. ain't that cool. o well karla, olive and others will have their day off today so it will be good. on sunday i will go to church and pray and thank god for what he has given me all along without my awareness that it will come true. without his guidance i believe that things will turn out just wrong.

well as of now i just can't wait to get out of the operations area and work as a workforce. i just really wanted to get away from this messed up place. i don't like and i'm already fed up with this job, taking calls and talking to stuoid darn customer. hopefully with all their feedback about me being an rta, somehow it's good and it won't cause any of my competencies and hopefully people would like me somehow, aside from someone who bang the phone on me. well basicaly yesterday i have called one of the tl's jjust to assist one of the agents with their call because it had exceeded the threshold. then he called back and gave me a reason that the caller wanted to stay on the line then bang the phone. what a loser. that's fine someday they'll get theirs.

Friday, May 19, 2006

knowledge overload

o well, yesterday i have spent more time for the training. i did not inform my trainer that my shift ends at 2pm. it's embarrassing to tell him and yet it's a good thing for me at least i will be getting much knowledge feed on that new career path and growth. it was so nice for karla also to be open in all my questions and stuff. it's really a great experience. i hope later i would be able to manage to get there to start my training. if only i could take my lunch at 9am so that i'll start my training at 10:30am later. if that's possible. i would really want to be a full time workforce employtee so i wo't be a pathetic phone junkie.

well when i have arrived home, mom informed me that my sister will be interviewed on monday by her expat employer in denmark. ain't that exciting. the sad part there is we barely need money for the processing fee. well half of the money has been given but half of it needs to know where we can borrow. my mom always have ready plans with that. when it comes to money she manages to find way. that's what good with my mom. she is really determnined in things. hshe always have backup plans in certain plans that you will have.

Then yesterday, my mom decided to go online but we've ran out of internet access. so i have managed to buy one using my nephew's bike. just realized that i fit muchly in his bike. so if ever i would need to go so far at least i can use his bike. now i have realized that i have missed that part in me when i was young i used to ride my bike to buy stuffs we need.

anyway, so far so good. i hope later on i will be monitoring calls and all. wala lang para naman masanay na ako and hopefully they would pull me out to monitor calls whole day and designate me to any shift possible for me to fit in.

well currently i just ended a call with a technician, that he thinks he knows a lot about computers, but i'm wondering why the hell he is calling us regarding some fix for windows explorer. he would say that he just forgot how to do it and all, and also he works with gateway computers and stuff. duh! i already told him that this is hardware technical support. we don't do much in depth with softwares. we cn only provide installing and uninstalling those programs but not doing much with the operating system itself. he's such a loser. i've already explainedf to him that he will be charged $35 but he's such a demanding shit head. anyway, moving on with my life, it's already 7:23 am and i still have an hour or two to take my lunch and get the hell outta here in this operations area and proceed to the support team area. i really don't like the operations area especially if you're an agent. it really suck big time. as well as some tls here.

anyway sad to say but it's true. i was even wondering how the hell will i ever make things right all the way through? i was hoping that someday i could be a better person and that i would basically know my priorities and stuff. well, one thing, my sister informed me when i woke up last night at 8:30pm that someone is calling me from my cellphone. it was ron, i wonder what would he want from me. then a while ago while i was preparing myself to work. someting came into my mind about what i did before when i was trying to break free from the pain that i feel inside about him. i used to do things to get back to him what i am feeling before. i have tried what ferdie had told me to do. so i gave up doing that because i feel like it's not working. then now, it's like ron keeps messaging me and keeps calling me. i don't know if it took effect on him but i do believe it's not, because that was a few months back. well it will be good if it took effect. in that case now he's suffering from what i have suffered. mwahahahahahaha! sad and bad but true. as what i keep on saying on this blog, i'm a type of person that could give in to any relationship so deeply, that i really treasure and value it. but i can break away with it easily as well. unless you give me a reason not to...... everything that has been going on with my life as of the moment is so bizaare, odd and weird. I'm not thinking about it but it just happening. i guess i have overly prayed too much about things and because of my frustration i dropped it then the least you expect it, it's happening. i thought i'll never grow, but i can barely feel it now that i am. o well, let's just wait for the next phase.

yesterday when i went home, almond told me to wait for him. then while we we're on our way home, he mentioned something about his team mate and our wavemate that he will resign because he felt like he is demoted. but he is not promoted so there's no way for you to say that you are demoted. well he said that because lower batches are already promoted and yet he is not. The reason also why almond asked me if he will grow in this company and that he'll end up as an agent all through his life. well for me, that's not the case. if you want something you gotta earn for it. you eed a major plan and goal and you should show that you're aiming for it and not just sitting down and wait til it comes down on you. that will never work.

I just can't wait til 9:45, so i can take my lunch and proceed to the workforce area for me to have my training again. i really wanted to become a workforce agent so it won't frustrate me with taking in calls. it really sucks big time an di'm fed up with this kind of work line. i'm not really good with pacifying stupid cx and call handling. if only i could own a business. like computer shoip, rentals and repair, i believe that wil be fine for me. at least i am earning my own money. if ever all of us become stable i hope my sisters would give me an investment to start a business. i will start a business full time and i'll be the only one who will manage it. maybe i would hire 1 person to elp me with some transactions but i prefer to be sole so that i won't have to worry about things much.

well, i am taking my lunch break and i have 10 minutes and counting more to post this.

well, i just have to finish this. basically, it's knowlede overload i am getting since yestreday from workforce. i am trained how to access tools and all. see you tomorrow, ciao!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

what's happening?

what a day. well for the past few days things were arrogantly annoying. why? well first of all rex did not messaged me that he's not home and all. so i was not able to do such things like burning discs and all. so i brought with me my drive and it is burden that it's a hussle. so i went ahead and had a hair cut. then when icame home i started to convert dvds and it took me overnight and i'm guilty that our electric bill would increase so much that my sister would get mad and stuff. then had this news that my sister's wedding is cancelled for some reason then, we had spent money just for that and it's really annoying, now we don't have enough money to spent until may 31. we had a general cleaning for that occassion and it is postoponed. then i have tried to convert the dvd again and suddenly there's a power outage and so i have to redo it. then i decided to convert it as vcd so that it won't take time. then bad news it won't fit onto one dvd disc. it also takes time to start and finish the burning process so i cancelled it and will start doing that probably next tuesday. now i have to retrack my leave that i have filed last monday. and also we're experienceing problems with our system here at work so i'm a bit worried about my training and all. this is too much. what else could possibly go wrong again. i hope i'll be ok and alright this day and the cusseeding days. as of the moment i have seen this jerk fish again. he's really annoying and i don't know why he had to speak out loud and yet he's just right beside the agent. he's really a show off. well i guess that's an ok personality why he's successful not to forget to mention that he's also a cheater. good luck with that.

now i'm wondering about things going around here. if only i could do something to make my life worthwhile. earlier when i'm on my way to work i have this topic about what's been going on in this country and with the peolp stuff. well, i don't have to go in depth about it but i believe theree's nothing i can do to change it and all. what a life. now i have to take in calls up to 9:45 am and take my break and wondering if i'll be having my training hpefully i would have a training or else things will not be fine as i hope for. 9 minutes to go and counting.

o well, guess what, i've been receving difficult calls and it's driving me nuts. i really hate it. of course unusual things has been done and it sucks and scares me big time. i wonder what could possibly go wrong again and again. if only i could try to to force these people to hire me as a workforce asap, then things will be better for me. poor me. so pathetic and worthless and hopeless. o well i'll just keep you updated once in a while. i do need to go there for my training.

Monday, May 15, 2006

i'm ready, training....

ok so today is the day, where i will be having my training as an RTa. Wish me luck and hopefully things are ok and just dandy for us all. hopefully i will be absorbed as an rta in the future once they need another RTA. hopefully i would be a good person in interacting with them hopefully i will be aware of all the punch lines that i would utter.

last night i was left alone in the house because all of them went to some place for their enjoyment. ok so i have managed to sleep around 11pm because my nephew is very noisy, annoying. when i have heard my alarm clock, well i still feel sleepy but i hurried because i don't want to be late to go to work.

anyway, we had our team meeting for the first time today and talked about a lot of stuff. i know deep in my wavemate's eyes they have noticed how proactive i am since the tl is new or generally since there's a reformatting of the team itself. a lot of new agents and a new tl. well that's really what i want. i wanted to have a new tl and not the same tl that i used to see everyday.

o well i'll start my training after 12 minutes. i'll tell you the updates on thursday. ciao!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

here we go.....

good morning. well, i have spent my day last friday, just fine. then i was ab le to file my leave yesterday which was informed to my immediate sup. well i don't know if that's great news or what. then now i have chekced my email and it seems like i am already part of the workforce team. first of all i have received emails from people who are not familiar to me and they are also sending the information from people who can't go to work. well it's a good feeling actually at least i have my life so far. i don't know why i said that but what i'm trying to say is, at least i'm staring to have a career change in my life. i would want to start right now to have my training but unfortunately for now, it will start tomorrow around 9 am. well of course i will take my lunch at 9:45am then on 10:45 i'll go straight to the workforce area to start my training. ain't that cool i am so ever excited about that and hopefuly things are just fione and dandy hopefully i will learn to smile and interact with them accordingly just like ferdie. definitely i won't be like ferdie but somehow i would inherent his personlaity. it will be a great experience for me and also for my tl, as what she had told me. by the way, last friday we've talked a lot about work ethics and attitude and sighted examples which she had encountered all along whne he was actually applying as shift sup. well he has this i mean she has this co-tl which is very conceited or shall i say who is very conceited with himself. when he finally found out that tl was the chosen one, he reacted inappropriately, showing that he is really not yet ready for the position. so i was able to say something aout that person's reactions. actually tl was proud of me because she was looking for the term to describe chad. well it is conceited. basically just a short description why i said he is conceited is because he is overly confident about his appluication. he actually compares himself to tl that he almost finished his role play and tl just finished half of it and thinking that she won't make it. then he is very arrogant that he would talk to tl that he will be chosen and all. do you get what i mean? thankfully i'm not like that. i really don't doubt myself and also others about their confidence and stuff but i'm not bitter once this person is cool or something. i am very much happy for the success they have. basically i trust people unless they give me a reason not to. before i appreciate how chad manages his team. when i have heard a lot of speculation about hoew he manages it, it's really inappropriate and power tripping. that's very uncool. well i don't have to be more specific on that but definitely with what i have been hearing about that guy or shall i say gay, it's really rude and arrogant and stabborn.

well i felt guilyt about last friday night. basically after the party i did not know that all of them did clean the house and did a major cleaning after the party and my sister's bf cleaned it in behalf of me. i was pretty guilty about it. well what i did, i played games with the computer and then slept. i have set my mind that they will wake me up but they did not and so they have berated me. well i have acknowledged it and accepted that fact because it's really my fault. so my sister even told my mom, that they thought the reason for me to file a leave is just to help clean the house. well sorry i giess i have presumed things and i really need to avoid that.

well i have woke up at 2 am earlier and prepared myself to go to work. then i woke mom begging for my allowance and yet, unfortunately she does not have money and so i have no allowance to go to wirlk. i can't manage to be absent for today, so when i woke up i have managed to check my atm if ever there is money in the bank already. fortunately there is and i got 12k and i was shocked. i was wondering if my rice subsidy is already included or that is the pay for last cut off regarding the holidays and stuff. i am pretty excited and so have planned to go to gilmore to buy something. of course i would have to ask someone here if that pay we received includes the rice subsidy.

so far today, both tls are not around. and so far fish is not around yet but let me check it.so far, he's not around yet so i'm so happy about that. so i will be alone for today, mwahahahaha. isn't that cool.

o well so far things are ok and dandy. things are ok and that at least i don't feel so damned, but wait i think i heard fish's voice. well defnitely he's not around, that's a relief. ok moving on, i'm almost done with the book and it's really exciting and funny on some part. the action is getting started. i don't know if ever i should be happy and all for tomorrow. it also reminds myself to wear formal cloths since i'll be a part of the workforce team.

ok so far i have no updates or i have nothing to share right about now. perhaps see you tomorrow. ciao!

Friday, May 12, 2006


good morning. well, it's my nephew's birthday today and so far i haven't greeted him earlier when he woke up. i just hated myself because everytime i see him i have this hatred inside about him. i know it's wrong and totally bad. i am trying to break free from that crap. i hope i would somehow change the way i approach him. i feel bitter about him, and also i am intimidated when i see him. i just can't forgive myself for that. i don't know why i feel these craps when i see him. i'm such a pathetic born loser. i hope i would find something that would trigger myself to release all these grudges and hatreds. i hope i would barely understand the way he acts. i know children are children. they are playful and all. i hope someday i would change this devastating attitude of mine.

well today, i have managed to talk with marco. we've talked about the game that i have given him. also we've talked about fish and what i feel and i told him that i have break free from their shadows. the only problem now is, this shit head still present in my sight and it's really annoying. well, marco had told me that he barely understands me and i really have a point and can see that. i appreciate it. i even told him that it's up to him if ever he would tell that jerk about what we have talked about coz i know he's his friend. i even explained to him that i am not selfish. because in his way, he don't seem to mind at all if ever they always step on him. he consider those people to be happy even though he feel so bad about that. i have explained to him, i am not that kind of person. if that's the situation what i will do is i won't accept that they are the one's who are only happy. if i feel bad then theyshould feel bad too. just like what he did during training. he made fun of me and underestimates me. so, i have shown them that i'm not the kind of person who you would underestimate. i am your worse enymy or shall i say nightmare if you did something against me.

well to day is payday and i'm pretty sad because i don't know how much will i have and if ever we would receive our pay today or tomorrow. they're such a freaking incompetent bastards. HRD here sucks it feels like they're not doing their freaking job and yet they would impose to employees here to do their job and all. after all they are the ones not doing their job. o well, life is ever so strange and so full of change. whatever!

Thankfully fish is not around and it is his rest day. i hope it's his RIP, mwahahahaha, just kidding. well it's not yet his time after all. he needs to live his life longer to feel all the karmas in life. bad grasstakes longer to die. you know what i mean? moving on, a lot of people here are asking about my promotion and when will i ever start. of course i don't have a definite answer but just to say, i am still waiting for them to speak with me about that.... i am so impatient for now, i just can't wait any longer. but what else can i do? all i can do is just to wait whether i like it or else.....

well to change topic, what i have noticed here, in this area where i'm at, well as of now, we have a lot of girls here as an agent and everywghere i look my wave mates are having this smiles reaching their ears, talking with them, i'm thinking that they're thinking of getting scored with them somehow. well and i'm here alone and no one is really approaching me to ask how i was and all. anyway, that's ok and i don't mind at all, as long as i have my life, that's enough. well they said that it is normal for a guy to be kind and all when it comes to beautiful women and all and they would grab the opportunity to somehow score and get something from those ladies. o well i guess they're not normal but it's typical instead for men. what is normal? i don't think so that all people here in this world are normal. including myself. i don't consider myself as normal. for me normal is something or somewhat perfect.. This is in regards to personality, spirituality, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. I guess and i believe that no one has ever perfected these aspects and in fact we do have different spiritualities so we do have different values. Values varies from one person to another. My point is, you won't say that something is normal, instead something is typical. i would only say normal when it comes to physical being, health and nature. but in depth to people's emotion and stuff, nothing is normal.

anyway, it's almost 8am and i feel like i'm dying. that's good. GOOOD NEWS, MAN, My training as an RTA will start next week. Ain't that cute? i'm so happy and cool and dandy, yahoong yahoo talaga! my heart right now is so jumpy and i feel so excited at least now i can go to work not to take in calls but to monitor calls. mwahahahahahahaha!

This is a perfect day for me. I don't know what happened all along but i would based it on my experiecnes of my day to day work recently. well, this will be the start of a whole new beginning. Now i can start over with my life. no more, hatred and stuff. of course i wanted to thank god for helping me reach this goalafter all the struggles in lufe.

o well, i guess things are just getting better for me now. i guess may 2006 is my time to shine. hopefully this woill continue all along.

by the way i have filed a leave tomorrow and i was permitted by my tl. so i won't be here tomorrow. i'll just continue with theze buzz on sunday. ciao!


good morning. well, it's my nephew's birthday today and so far i haven't greeted him earlier when he woke up. i just hated myself because everytime i see him i have this hatred inside about him. i know it's wrong and totally bad. i am trying to break free from that crap. i hope i would somehow change the way i approach him. i feel bitter about him, and also i am intimidated when i see him. i just can't forgive myself for that. i don't know why i feel these craps when i see him. i'm such a pathetic born loser. i hope i would find something that would trigger myself to release all these grudges and hatreds. i hope i would barely understand the way he acts. i know children are children. they are playful and all. i hope someday i would change this devastating attitude of mine.

well today, i have managed to talk with marco. we've talked about the game that i have given him. also we've talked about fish and what i feel and i told him that i have break free from their shadows. the only problem now is, this shit head still present in my sight and it's really annoying. well, marco had told me that he barely understands me and i really have a point and can see that. i appreciate it. i even told him that it's up to him if ever he would tell that jerk about what we have talked about coz i know he's his friend. i even explained to him that i am not selfish. because in his way, he don't seem to mind at all if ever they always step on him. he consider those people to be happy even though he feel so bad about that. i have explained to him, i am not that kind of person. if that's the situation what i will do is i won't accept that they are the one's who are only happy. if i feel bad then theyshould feel bad too. just like what he did during training. he made fun of me and underestimates me. so, i have shown them that i'm not the kind of person who you would underestimate. i am your worse enymy or shall i say nightmare if you did something against me.

well to day is payday and i'm pretty sad because i don't know how much will i have and if ever we would receive our pay today or tomorrow. they're such a freaking incompetent bastards. HRD here sucks it feels like they're not doing their freaking job and yet they would impose to employees here to do their job and all. after all they are the ones not doing their job. o well, life is ever so strange and so full of change. whatever!

Thankfully fish is not around and it is his rest day. i hope it's his RIP, mwahahahaha, just kidding. well it's not yet his time after all. he needs to live his life longer to feel all the karmas in life. bad grasstakes longer to die. you know what i mean? moving on, a lot of people here are asking about my promotion and when will i ever start. of course i don't have a definite answer but just to say, i am still waiting for them to speak with me about that.... i am so impatient for now, i just can't wait any longer. but what else can i do? all i can do is just to wait whether i like it or else.....

well to change topic, what i have noticed here, in this area where i'm at, well as of now, we have a lot of girls here as an agent and everywghere i look my wave mates are having this smiles reaching their ears, talking with them, i'm thinking that they're thinking of getting scored with them somehow. well and i'm here alone and no one is really approaching me to ask how i was and all. anyway, that's ok and i don't mind at all, as long as i have my life, that's enough. well they said that it is normal for a guy to be kind and all when it comes to beautiful women and all and they would grab the opportunity to somehow score and get something from those ladies. o well i guess they're not normal but it's typical instead for men. what is normal? i don't think so that all people here in this world are normal. including myself. i don't consider myself as normal. for me normal is something or somewhat perfect.. This is in regards to personality, spirituality, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. I guess and i believe that no one has ever perfected these aspects and in fact we do have different spiritualities so we do have different values. Values varies from one person to another. My point is, you won't say that something is normal, instead something is typical. i would only say normal when it comes to physical being, health and nature. but in depth to people's emotion and stuff, nothing is normal.

anyway, it's almost 8am and i feel like i'm dying. that's good. GOOOD NEWS, MAN, My training as an RTA will start next week. Ain't that cute? i'm so happy and cool and dandy, yahoong yahoo talaga! my heart right now is so jumpy and i feel so excited at least now i can go to work not to take in calls but to monitor calls. mwahahahahahahaha!

This is a perfect day for me. I don't know what happened all along but i would based it on my experiecnes of my day to day work recently. well, this will be the start of a whole new beginning. Now i can start over with my life. no more, hatred and stuff. of course i wanted to thank god for helping me reach this goalafter all the struggles in lufe.

o well, i guess things are just getting better for me now. i guess may 2006 is my time to shine. hopefully this woill continue all along.

by the way i have filed a leave tomorrow and i was permitted by my tl. so i won't be here tomorrow. i'll just continue with theze buzz on sunday. ciao!

Thursday, May 11, 2006


ok, so it's the start of my day again and so far i had a hard time iun looking for a station to work at. well i have taken a station so far away from my original station but i have managed to have this current station. anyway, then i have met ferdie and i have accompanied him to buy food downstatirs and talked about stuff and all. Then currently i have heard the freaking annoying voice of fish and he is still in my sight and i just hate it. i hall say that i am intimidated. because of his arrogance and bostfulness and success caused by cheating. anyway, moving on, kelly approached me on my station but too bad, i just got a call. anyway i on't know if she's still around or fish is using tl's station. too bad for a fish monkey. basically right now he's right behind me and it's really getting annoying and how i fucking wish he would just dissolve right now, so i won't be frustrated and annoyed by the way he speaks and act. it's really getting annoying.

well bad news, richelle was assigned as the fw for the day and not choosing me. i feel like i've been ignored and neglected and i just hated it. so far i havent' heard anything from olive regarding when will i ever start to become the rta. it's really annoying. i don't know if she had forgotten me or they're not really interested to get me as an rta. anyway, patience is a freaking virtue and i just loving it painfully. i don't know if there's any progress or it just stalled and will never get through. i'm so freaking annoyed by all this. o well good luck for me and i hope things will go my way, hopefully. what a fucking freaking day!!!!! o well, instead of feeling this way, i should think f something that would somehow burst out my happiness and contentment for today. well there's a lot of things that could possibly work and just fine. i just needed to make things somehow cool and stuff. if only i could release this bitterness inside of me then basically things will be just fine and dandy. if only truth prevails, then everything is working accordingly as possible. i wanted to talk with tl, i f only i could file a sick leave on saturday because it's my nephew's birthday. i hope she would permit me so that i can sleep late on friday. and rest the whole day on saturday.

since tl already mentioned to us to be open if we would be someday be absent and file leavesw on those days. i just hate it when i hear this freaking annoying fish. she's still around and he's really freaking me out and it really shows that he's boastful. i believe that his agents are not cool with him. i believe that somehow they are also intimidated with him, especially rikk. i don't like the way he approaches me and i feel like i've been slapped on the face. if ever i would become the rta, i will have my own list to monitor these shit heads. mwahahahahaha!

basically, the reason why olive has not spoken with me regarding the status is, they're still waiting for someone higher than her regarding my application. how long should i wait for that. i just could not wait for it because i really wanted to start acting as a workforce. i want a career change. precious told me that it is really destined for me because i'm the only one who's not been transferred or somehow get promoted in the whole wave. i actually approached them because i'm planning to make a leave on saturday for my nephew's bday. i have explained to them about that and they need confirmation if it does need medical certificate. i tol d them that i believe there are some reasons behind that that would not need any med cert. just like stomach aches or dizziness and all, right? i don't know they're still consulting each other and hopefully they won't have to conslt fish since it's not his business after all. if ever he would react or something i would really kill him, big time.

when will i ever get that great breaking news for my promotion? time is running out. if ever it would take about a month for me to wait and all, shit, that's aggrevating and all.

anyway, hope to have a meaningful and joyful life. ciao!

Monday, May 08, 2006

completely, perfectly, grudginly, lovingly fed up

ok this will be my final day for the week and i'm spending my rest day again for 2 consecutive days. that's cool. anyway, today is a very different and odd day, first of all i have noticed that not all of the team mates here are at work and that it's not queueiing after all. then i have received a commendation again from a customer who appreciated the help i have provided her with. then i was thinking that olive will be around to talk to me and tell me about my application if ever when will i start the project based RTA. well sad to say ferdie said that she's not around for some reason. so i felt bad about it and i'm pretty pissed becasuse i just can't wait to hear a word from her about my application. so i'm just hinking i don't care if it will be approved or not as long as i know the status. i don't like pending because it makes me sick and that youreally don't have nay idea about your status. it's really a pain for me. hopefully on thursday or on friday she would talk to me and inform me about it. well ferdie said that based on what he had heard and as what a little bird told him, jayjay will be removed from the project for some reason. i was pretty scared about it because i don't want them to cancel my application or else i will go hysterical about it and it will be a major devastation for me if that ever happeneds. i tried to pass by the workforce station to check on olive. i saw someone there wearing pink blouse and thought that it was olive. i am not sure because that person i saw is facing it's back so i'm not really sure if that's olive or just another person who i haven't seen in the workforce area. hopefully it's olive and that she would talk to me right now. o i just can't wait for it so this feeling would end just now. when i came back to my station, fedie called me thinking that live wants to talk to me but definitely not, he just told me that he'll go homeand spent his day off. too bad for a tearjerker pathetic shit like me...... craving to be in the workforce team just to get way from this stupid calls that i keep getting that really pisses me off. as of the moment too, lawrence one of our team mates are doing floor walk to a new team, and i was shocked because all i know he's not a ful time floorwalkeer and yet he is. so i'm pretty pissed off and feeling the same way as what hans is feeling, demoted. why can't they pick me to do the fw, i believe i have the capability an i am confident enough. well people really want to see me breakdown and also humiliate me. this is really a bad sign. please give me a sign and all. i really wanted to be a part of the workforce team for a career change.

i have started reading the book which was purchased by my friend, precious. well i have enjoyed it a lot and laughed at it while reading for some statements and dialogues that the author had composed. it's actually exciting and interesting to read the book the whole day. i just wanted t konw what would happen to the main character by it's rival's deception. o well all i have to do to find out is to read it until i finish reading it. i'm so darn sad. i don't know exactly what to feel right now, i feel like i have been tortured and got my feelings or myself corrupted by my emotions. is this what i get after all the painstaking patience i have done? seeing all these people who are behind me, get promoted and do new tasks and watching me having the same job ever since i started working? this is really, really bad and annoying. i can't imagine that i'm going all the way down than i could imagine. well, good luck with everything and hopefully things would go my way......

well am i fortunate or what? o well as what they say, patience is a virtue. i'm so sick and tired of hearing that and i'm fed up with that statement. as far as i know i've been patient long enough since i was born and yet things are worse. i know i'm doign the things to reach that goal and have patience but still nothing happeneds. is that what is my purpose and destination in life? o well what can i do? all i can do is breakdown and cry and freak out to let it go. i know nothing will seem to happen or progress in doing such crap, bu at least i'm doing something just to forget it all and recharge my patience. i'm not a conversal person, i just keep things in me which is unhealthy but it's the only way to avoid being humiliated and all.they said, let you live your life. i'm living it but it's just that life does not want me to live it. i don't know for some reason. i guess it'sbecause of my level of thinking that's why things that are given to me are of the same level of my thinking. too bad and pathetic. now growth and no gain. just pain....i'm not really sure if i should continue reading the book because of wha ti currently feel right now. i feel sad and discomforted. i feel like everyone's bringing me dow and neglecting me and abandoning me. i feel like i'm on my own with nothing. ii don't want to think now about what would happen to me if i'm still here in this freaking darn team. maybe i woud just be a tearjerker shit head. good, so i can start killing myself, perhaps. i'm really going all the way down. all the way down until i hit the bottom unknwn. i still do believe that there's still time for me to shine and all. things will go my way and it will give me good news. sometimes when i read my horoscope, what it's implying to me is somewhat true. when i read my horoscope today, it's like it is implying to me that for this day, i don't have to expect much about things because ti won't happen at all. ok so i was pretty fell backwards and stopped and said, wait a minute this can't be true. yet, it's happening. what's with my stars? are they mad at me. ok what can i do for them to like me? o well, good luck with me. if only i could just kill myself at this very moment, then i believe things woudl have been just fine and dandy. isn't it? i want to breathe for about 10 hours to get over all the things i feel inside. all the fears i hid inside. all the wearies and quandaries i analyze..

my only question is, what is my purpose here. what is the purpose of having this kind of lifestyle. is this really what is destined for me why i was created inthis sad pathetic played out scheme world? if ever that is my purpose, then i will be satisfied because i won't have to aim for anything higher but ust to ride with it and deal with it until the day i die. if ever those are my purpose. it's almost 11am and so far things are not that settle. things are a bit messed up. just looking for a happy medium, bliss and solace. but they keep on hiding because they don't like me at all. if only something would just show up on my face and talk to me abut what i feel now, then it iwll be highly appreciated. if only something could just mind wiped me and forget everything. I literary want to start a new like everything i have now is removed from me and all the things i have in mind will disappear as well so i can live my life from the start. at least i would somehow find myself and be myself again and again and again and whatsoever...

well i have decided to get the lyrics of the song by john stephens by listening to his song. basically it's not available on the internet and i have tried looking for the lyrics from any possible websites but it displayed no results. too bad. so there are words that i can't barely understand. i kept analyzing the statement for that word but it really turns out differently. anywayl i have decided to stop it because it's really annoying.. am i being tortured and pounished? well will somebody tell me? i'm not aware and i don't have an idea. this really sucks big time. i am so sick and tired of this......

sad to dsay, fish is still around and it's really all the way annoying big time. i really don't like to see him and i don't want to talk t him and all because he's a pain in the ass. i don't care about his promotion and all because i do believe it's not success, it's luck because of his incompetencies and lies and becuse he cheats. it's not really success because he's a cheater and because of it, he got lucky. now that's pathetic, definitely.

well a team mate of mine approached me and told me about some of the things to do and stuff. i feel so bad because i told him that he's a full time floorwalker today for some reason he does not have any orders processed and all.... honestly, a bit bitter and pissed, irritated and annoyed about the whle scenario and it sucks bigt ime and i don't know why this stupid tl did not assign me to be the floorwalker and all. such a freaking bastard shit head. o well what else can i do about it? nothing. for now, i am excited because at least will be able to visit rex again and burn some dvds. i'm so freaking excited and i just can't wait for that. but plesae i don't want him to text me and say that he's busy or he's going somewhere to day so my visit for today will be cancelled. i'm going to kill him if that happeneds. aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggh! sometimes when i think like this, it happeneds. so sometimes i blame myself for thinking about it.

ok one more thing basically i'm the only one who's left in the team taking in calls. basically the other's are pulled out to be a floorwalker for other teams here... CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why not me. what the fuck is going on here. this is so unfair. what i'll do is i'll just go home without saying goodbye to all of them. i'll never talk to them and never, ever say a word to them. PUTANGINA TALAGA NG TL NA ITO!!!! I hope you get yours. ihope you'll get the worse pain that i have right now the same with your puppy........ bull shit!

Now i'm mad and angry and i want to dissolve and evaporate in the air just to get over things here. it's so sad that i am such a loser and all. i will get mine someday in return. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! i can't take this anymore........

well, right now, i'm completly, perfectly, grudgingly, and lovingly fed up with this messed up scheme and all. i just don't feel so well, i guess this damn feeling has consumed me even more and haunted me back and i'm ready to freak out and scream out loud that i could loose my life and patience and mys terngth and just die like a desserted plant. can't seem to fight it and i'm already pissed. i can't seem to put into words what i really feel right now. seeing things that are going on here really makes me weak. i want to go now, i want to forget all this and just live my life accordingly. i know and i am aware that i'm not playing the game right. this is not the way on how to play the real game as what i have analyzed and realized and found out. o well, pathetic it may seem. ok, i'll just find a way to cure all this. hopefully it would find the cure by itself but i need to search for it anyway.

ciao! good luck!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

ok lang naman....

hello there! well just started to write my journal for today. so far things are fine and dandy. well have talked with several people here about what's been going on with the queue and also with my promotion, if i may say.... anyway, i've emailed tl and asking how we're their gimmick yesterday. do you know what she replied? she said, ""MAsaya." That's all i get from her reply. ok so i did stop replying and never ever gonna ask her about it anymore. basically i do believe she's disappointed at me because i was not able to come with the last GA of the team. well honestly, i really did not want to come and i'm actually longing for getting the hell out of this messed up team. Now i can barely feel that i'm breaking free. it's sooooo good.

anyway, nothing much to discuss for today. i think thigs are going well so far. i hope tomorrow will be my happiest day and that olive would talk to me regarding the start of my training so i can get the hell outta here in this messed up place as much as possible. so far things are dandy because fish has it's own team, as well as his minions are being deployed to another team and it really makes me good. Then i would have to mingle with them on our GA? good luck, i won't do that at all. If i have managed to come over with the team outing before, i won't do it now. not at all. no, no, no....... enough is enough and i don't want to make some proof that i have spent time with all of those jerks. sorry but all circuits are busy now.....

anyway, i hope things wil be better and brighter as soon as possible. ciao!

Saturday, May 06, 2006


hi there, i'm back, i apologize for leaving so soon yesterday, well we had this meeting about our parting ways. well it just keeps getting better for now. now, i see where patience can drag you. well the lesson learned was to be patient enough to make things better and nice. by the way, i went to the gas chamber and talked with several people and all. when marchel came by and mentioned that i had a good feedback as what the little bird said to him. well i did not know that. so i've asked him what feedback was brought up for me. well, somebody just said that my feedback was good about my application as a workforce. that's a freaking good news. on the other hand, olive has not spoken to me yet about my status, and when will i start to be a part of the project based RTA. hopefully i will be absorbed and that i will be given a chance to become a workforce employee for a major career change. hopefully olive would come by today and talk to me so that at least i now know my status and what's the next step i'll be grabbing or taking. i just can't wait for it. today is saturday and things are getting a bit better and better. by the way in the gas chamber when frida went out, this person came by, the person who i've been watching all along since i saw him here. well he sat beside me and so i was pretty amazed and got excited about it. then finally, that person talked to me about work and all. one thing that came to my mind was, i think that person likes to hang out with me and wanted to know me better. sometimes i have this thing on my mind that that person has something for me which i can't explain, literally. hopefully it would change things and that on the succeeding days, that person would eventually spend time with me and the rest will move on. who knows what could happen. i just can't wait for that opportunity now. anyway, hopefully things would somehow change for that scenario and that that person would really want to spend time with me. anyway, found out that our tl will be kelly. that's good and nice. so eventhough i might be an agent it's ok at least things are all new. i have talked with jakyry and told me about fish's request if ever he could be the tl of the team, well i said to tl yesterday that it won't be good since he came from this team, the relationship will be not convincing, but in me, no way jose, i won't allow that because i don't want to be his agent. he's a menance. he might look some holes in me for me to be terminated or something and i don't want that to happen.

anyway, i've been hearing a lot of promotionns here and almost everyone is congratulating me and asking me when will i freaking start. well one thing for usre, i don't know. i just can't wait to know when will i freaking start so i don't have to go to work just to take in calls and stuff. ain't that cute. i hope things will be better and i can barely feel it now that it is coming. one more thing, it's also a good thing that atoy is not chosen to be the fw. because i do believe he does not deserve it. i prefer rikk because somehow he's good with it's personality unlike atoy, he's a darn freaking bastard long haired big foot. i know i've been bitter all along but it's just that, these people are making me sick and they are so called bastards. i'm really happy for people who are promoted but if you did something bad to me, then i won't be happy or somehow i will be happy but there will be doubts with my confidence to them. that's all i can say.

i hope i would be a good rta and that i'll be more competent in that field. so help me god. i hope there will be no issues to be build up in me so everything will run smoothly and fine. i hope i won't have to be a bastard. just like the people here i know.

well i have visited ferdie in his station as his request. well we've talked about certain stuff like my status and all. i wonder if ever when will i start. i basically so eager to be part of that support team so i din't have to take in calls and that at least i don't have to worry about my work. i really would like to have a stable job that i don't have to worry about my stats and all. i hope that me and jayson will be hired within this year so at least we all be happy and satisifed with life, somehow. how i wish everything will be cool.

o well so much ado about nothing. well just see you around. ciao!

Friday, May 05, 2006

new beginning.... you know what to do........

hi good morning. so far there's nothing much to discuss but just kept thinking about my application. well i just can't wait for olive to talk to me to tell me about my training and when will i ever start. well i just can't wait to get out of this freaking phone. i am tired and annoyed of it. anyway, once i get to the project based RTA then things will gradually change for me. at least i don't have to go with the team's GA and crap. I am pretty much excited about that promotion. hopefully olive would give me a chance to become an RTA so that just in case i would have to transfer to any other companies, then i should apply for an RTA and not a call center freaking agent. yeba!

i just need experience and that's all. i have been an agent for 3 years and it really sucks big time. everything you do is monitored and that al the blame is in you. the game is to blame. i don't want to be blamed but i want to blame them. mwahahahahaha, just kidding. anyway hopefully olive will be here as much as possible so that she could talk to me now and make a change with my life. great!

o well it just keeps getting better and better. well almost all of us in the team will be deployed to new accounts and of course because of the promotion and movement and lateral movement to another position. that's a cool happenings. hopefully things will be bigger brighter and better. i believe things will be just fine and dandy. i just love it.

how i wish it will be a nice and new beginnings for all of us.

ok what would be my next destination and agenda when i finally get to that area and all.

by the way when i left the gas chamber i met charlton my officemate before in CL. well he left there for some reason that the company really is a pain in the ass. politics is everywhere. well i don't know if i should be happy for that or get terrified about it. well he knows that i was term in that company because of bernard navarro's incomptencies. moving on, what could possily happen today? well i've been thinking about my application and kept wondering when will olive talk to me to start my training because i'm pretty excited and can't wait any longer.

basically i'm just wondering around and looking for someone to talk with. then finally i got my attention with or to atoy. well he's the kind of guy who dresse up and act like a rockstar. long hair, has a beard na dreally loves rock. i have noticed his shoes that he is wearing, and i find it cool. i told myself, that's cool, then looked at him and told myself, he's not. basically, i don't like he's attiude because he's somewhat rude and impolite and aggressive. the way he talks whenever he hears some information about stuff he knows, he would react like what you're saying si wrong or incorrect or out of this world which you yourself know that it is true. i also don't like the way he approach me and everytime i approach him. it's like, subconciously he would say, get lost in your face kind of attitude. so whenever i hear something good about his performance and all, i just hate it and i just turn and walk away. well i do believe that he is not aware of having that attitude towards other and he does not mean to hurt anyone. but the case is, he should always be aware of that.

anyway, i just realized that i really don't have to really escape from this messed up, played out sceme, place. well first of all, fish has it's own team already and so he's not part pf the team any longer, then tl is now promoted so she won't be our tl any longer, then some of fish's minions will be deployed to other accounts. it's really a good thing that i really don't have to runaway or breakfree or break away from this place because they're already dissolving on their own. very interesting.

well the team has been sending spams about things and situations just to make fun of it all. well i managed to jive into it. well it's somewhat pathetic but at least i am building rapport to these jerks.

ok moving on, things are getting a bit brighter now and that i just can't wait to have the changes right away so somehow i'll be ok and dandy. i just don't know what could be happening, but one thing for sure i hope, that i would finally get the information regarding my or regarding the start of my training as an RTA so i will be satisfied.
o well til tomorrow...... Ciao!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

i'm ready, promotion.....

ok it's thursday and i'm pretty excited about the result of my application, whatever that may be.... anyway, just received an email from tl and she's already the shift sup and so we'll have a new tl. they have mentioned that josh might be thtake her place, which pissed me off. definietly i don't want to and it really sucks big time. it will be scary and all. i don't want that to happen. but tl also wanted josh to have a new team for him to start from scratch. how i wish he won't be the replacement or else it will be a chaos for me. i will be more careful if that happeneds and i will definietly resign and find another job because i don't want him to be my tl or else things will definitely in havoc.

hopefully the result will be positive and that i will be absorbed. please make it happen. one thing i have also noticed was they have removed the poster regarding in need of RTAs. hopefull ythat's a good sign. i will really try my freaking best to do my job appropriately and so everything is nice and comfy for my family.

earlier in the smoking area, there's this guy who shared his life as a bartender and that he earned much that working in a call center. also mentioned about introducing whores to foreigners and stuff and getting much tip for that. but he regreted that act the reason why he left the company as a bar tender. i was able to share my reactions and also made me feel good that moment. i don't know and haven't met that person but i was able to converse with them well. coool.....

last monday, i went to rex's house and did a lot of things abuot omputers and also played ps2 and downloaded and installed stuff in the omputer. i was able to share to him that i had purchased a dvdrw and started to convert some of my movies to mpg and burned it to DVD. i was able to customized the movie and created my own menu and so far it is a success because our player managed to read it. with that i have learned a lot of lesson in creating a movie, dvd, and what's the importance of creating a chapter for the movie. well chapters help end users to skip the part that they have watched if ever the player went out or there's a power outage. and all of that stuff. i'm so excited about things that could happen now and the succeeding days.

i havent talked with ferdie and ron yet regarding my application. i have messaged them but i don't get any replies and i feel bad about it. but that's ok hopefully they are happy for me and hopefully things will have a major make over with my life. recently i have been thinking, what if i have attained my goals and all , what could happen? will i ever arrived to a point where i will be asking for more and/or to my boredom and frustrations with that goal. how sad and cruel but that's real life anyway.

ok so right now, i'm still seeing this kual guy and please don't boast you're success because definitely, it's not success...... anyway, that's his nature but i'm starting to hate it and i really would like to just throw him away ad just kill him as possible, which i could not do. o well, all i ever wanted is to be a workforce, so i won't have to take calls and maintain stats for the rest of my freaking life. i would like to have a good and dandy life, a change, a major change. although i won't be able to fulfill my programming skills but at least i won't be a tearjerker phone junkie.

anyway, marco gave me encouragement and all. he once told me that he warned ferdie to make good with my application and stuff or else... that's a good thing he really is happy for my application and all. how i wish everythings cool and fine and that iw ould know the date and my feedback sas soon as possible. hopefully tomorrow but it will be better if it'll be today. i'm currently creating a new poem aghain. well i'll post it later on.

i don't know, but now, i feel like time flies so slow and it's pissing me off. maybe something would excitingly happen that will boost my life all the way to the top, hopefully. i just can't wait for the feedback and all that they would give me about my application. i really hope that i would get the feedback/result later on or tomorrow, just within this week. Also i wanted to be absorbed even if it will be just a project based RTA, at least i don't have to take in calls for the rest of my freaking life. it's also for a career change.

ok i got the update regarding my application. well first, ferdie was chosen and he will start on may 8, cool and i'm so happy for him. Then i will be trained, thankfully. ferdie said that olive will talk to me about it and she will conduct the date for my training. i wish she would talk to me now and give me the appropriate date for my start of training so that i can rest assure that i will be leaving this messed up place. i think i have a poem , a new poem inside my mind regarding the last poem i did, the title is havoc. finally, so far i have managed to about break free a little from being stucked inside the messed up place or played out scheme. o i just can't wait the look in their faces. i would like to thank god for giving me the opportunity because luckily, the scenario of applying for the position is great. come to think of it. they are getting 1 but inside the management they are planning to get 3 which is secretly known by the management that was cascaded to me. then i am the third person to apply. the third and the last. it's a great opportuniyt. hopefully olive would talk to me later or right now so i can really be so much happy about it. of course i don't have to take in calls all day long and for the rest of my freaking life. at least now i felt like i'm beginning to flourish a bit. i can't ever be thankful and excited.

now that life has been doing great and dandy for now. so riht now i just can't wait and get excited. i hope they would really inform me as soon as posible about it. this is good. i hope it won't be too long for them to absorb the 2 of us. you know what, because of my excitement and all i have maanaged to talk with fish's minions and it was ok but i feel like, he's just being plastic and stuff, but i don't care. as long as i was able to have a chit chat with him, then that's ok and also i did that because i just wanted to get over it. if ever i could stop calling him fish and instead calling him by his name, then that will be fine but so far i cannot manage to get over what i felt about the things he did to me during training and i gues he will be my mortal enemy. i can forgive but cannot definielty forget.

if ever it owuld be possible for olive to talk to me now so i would now know when i will start my training so that i don't have to go to work just to take calls but just to monitor calls and do the forecasting. i believe that it will be exciting and all.

o well all i can do now is just to wait and see and be patient enough for things. what couldpossibly happen this time? i wish everything will be fine and dandy. go BRODLY!!!!

Monday, May 01, 2006


good morning. well for the past few days, i haven't have any enough sleep. i don't know why if it's either someone has been thinking about me or it's summer an dso it's really really hot. good thing that i was able to talk to jack, a new tl here, about their deployment. well he actually provided me with a manual to help me with my interview as a workforce. hopefully my interview will be pretty darn easy. or shall i say, i can answer almost all questions and that i will be hired as a workforce, hopefully. i just can't wait because so far i haven't been interviewed yet and it's already weeks since i have passed my application. So far i have memorized the kpis and these are, abandnement, speed to answer, CSAT, Hardware referral rate, and calls escalated to 3rd level support and alsofirst call resolution. there are 6 and i just realized that. i hope that i won't stutter during my interview. i hope the 3 of us will be hired as workforce and so i pray.i just wanted to break free from this team because i do believe that i don't have any growth here. i am actually demotivated in this team. i just can't also wait for fish to be deployed so somehow i can barely move and all.

well it will be my off again tomorrow and on thursday and ain't that cute. anyway, today will be our regularization and hopefully she would pull us out now so we can somehow enjoy petics mode. i'm not really feeling well today, and i don't know why... later on i will be going to rex's house and he already texted me and said that it will be alright for me to come there later. how exciting. i have asked permission to my mom already so she won't get mad at me again just what had happened last time.

well just now, tl pinched me like she wanted to tell me something then grabbed a tl and walked away. i just reacted with saying, Oh, but she already went away.I wonder what that will be... i hope it's a freaking good news and all. i hope that she would pull me out now and talk to me about stuff for about 2 hours maybe, so somehow i'm in petics mode. i just don't feel taking calls for now and i'm pretty nervous with what could possibly go wrong. i kept thinking of a better day, but the most show off part is what is going on for the moment. it's really frustrating me.

well i have invited frida to grab a smoke and talked about her plan to transfer place to be closer here at work. she had mentioned that she already transferred 6 times already. then her tl joined the conversation and kept looking at me and also talks to me and all and i feel good about it at least i feel that he is interested in talking to me. cool.....

by the way, i have been away for quite so long because i was coached for the reason that i am regularized already. that's good to know. then tl informed me that my interview will be done later. so i got nervous and all. she coached me about situations and what i should say and all if i was asked this and that. now i am trying to review so i can answer questions appropriately when i am interviewed. How i wish i will be interviewed and all. well i will give the detailed information regarding my coaching session earlier on thursday. i am in a hurry now, because i need to review more about the job description for what i am applying for. see you on thursday. CIAO!